Selvi Ananda Has A Special Secret To Make Mas Gibran Strong In Fasting, Curious?

JAKARTA - Gibran Rakabuming Raka's wife Selvi Ananda has special tips to keep her husband strong for fasting this month. This is important considering Gibran is actively blusukan as Mayor of Solo.

Luckily these tips are easy to do because the husband is not picky about food.  "There are no special menus, anything you want, it's not difficult," Selvi Ananda said after the kb acceptor's home visit reported by Inews, Tuesday, April 13.

Selvi mentioned, one of which is prepared is vitamins as a complement during fasting. In addition, drink honey when sahur and dates to maintain endurance. The Gibran family also regularly consumes temulawak herbs and vegetable juices.

"For vegetable juice I consume every day," singka Selvi. President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) son-in-law hopes that fasting in Ramadan will go smoothly even in the midst of a pandemic situation. Selvi also advised that the public always implement health protocols (prokes).

Asked about his first experience as the wife of the Mayor of Solo in Ramadan, Selvi claimed to be the same. Even activities are filled with a variety of useful activities.

"This is proof that the first day of fasting continues," he said.