DPR Will Move To IKN In 2028, Puan Follows Prabowo's Decision

JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani respects President Prabowo Subianto's plan to be ready to have an office in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) in 2028.

Puan said that the Indonesian House of Representatives followed Prabowo's decision to move to IKN in East Kalimantan at the specified time.

"Yes, we follow the government's decision. Now everything is in the government," said Puan at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 10.

Regarding the readiness of the parliament building at IKN, Puan said that her party is ready to move if the construction is complete. Moreover, the process of building the DPR building will begin in 2025.

"Yes, we are ready for the government's decision," he said.

Previously, President Prabowo Subianto targeted an office in the capital city of the archipelago or IKN on August 17, 2028. This was said by the Minister of Public Works, Dody Hanggodo, in Jakarta, Friday, December 6.

"The target is that Pak Prabowo, August 17, 2028, has an office there, no later than August 17, 2029, executives, legislatures, and judiciaries and all supporting ASN," said Dody as quoted by Antara.

Dody said that the focus of IKN development is currently on infrastructure readiness so that the executive, judicial, legislative branches can have an office in IKN.

"The focus is there first, the readiness of infrastructure so that the executive, judicial, legislative, can immediately have an office in the capital city of the archipelago," he said.