Social Minister Meets Agus Bentung, Suspect Of Sexual Harassment

Social Minister Saifullah Yusuf met with a disabled person with the initials IWAS alias Agus Bentung who became a suspect in a case of alleged sexual harassment.

Saifullah met with IWAS accompanied by the NTB Police Chief Inspector General Hadi Gunawan and local government officials in the room of the Director of General Criminal Investigation of the NTB Police, Mataram, Monday, December 9.

During the meeting, the Minister of Social Affairs admitted that he only greeted IWAS and had more dialogue with IWAS' attorneys.

"Meeting (IWAS) is only temporary, ask how is it? That's all. More dialogue with his lawyer (legal power)," said Gus Ipul, Saifullah Yusuf's nickname, as reported by ANTARA.

To IWAS' attorney, Gus Ipul had more dialogue about the police's attitude in treating IWAS as a suspect.

"How from the legal process that has been passed, they (the rule of law) explained that they are served well, their rights are fulfilled, starting with technical matters, the services needed during the legal process are carried out, to medical needs, psychological needs, all of which are of course what the suspect needs," he said.

Likewise with the results of requests for information to police investigators, which in this case was represented directly by the NTB Police Chief Inspector General Hadi Gunawan.

Everything that is needed of the suspect IWAS as a person with disabilities, Gus Ipul ensures that it is available.

"The need for special services because these are people with disabilities, all of them have been prepared by the Kapolda, this is very important, so that when Mas Agus (IWAS) is examined, he is not depressed, comfortable, so he is ready to be examined because his rights are fulfilled," he said.

Gus Ipul assessed that the NTB Police carried out legal processes in accordance with statutory guidelines relating to the fulfillment of services for persons with disabilities.

"That way, I believe, the legal process that IWAS is going through at the NTB Police, runs with full caution, care, stage by step and ultimately determines the decisions that we all know together," he said.