Thanks To Transformation, BPJS Naker Notes The Number Of Active Participants Rose To 43.5 Million
JAKARTA - President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo said that his party noted an increase in the number of active participants after the 2014 transformation.
The number of active participants increased to 43.5 million.
In detail, 27.7 million Wage Recipient Workers (PU), 9.5 million Non-Wage Recipient Workers (BPU), and 6 million Construction Services and PMI Workers.
Overall, this figure is much higher when compared to the beginning of the transformation, which was 16.8 million active participants.
"All management express their gratitude to the Penggas, Founders, Previous Leaders, and Retired BPJS Ketenagakerjaan who have brought this institution to achieve extraordinary progress to date," continued Anggoro.
Anggoro said that the increase in the number of participants must be balanced with improving the quality and ease of service access.
The official Jamsostek Mobile (JMO) application is one of the mainstay channels that brings BPJS Ketenagakerjaan closer to the participants. It is proven that the number of users has reached 24.5 million, with active users reaching more than 60 percent.
Meanwhile, Head of the Jakarta Grogol Employment BPJS Branch Office, Rommi Irawan M, said that informal sector workers are actually more dominant and the number continues to grow every year.
"They are even more vulnerable to experiencing socio-economic risks, so they need a safety net so they don't fall into poverty," he said.
In addition, the satisfaction rate of Call Center 175 services also rose to 92.5 percent, and received 6 categories of The Best Contact Center Indonesia 2024 awards from the Indonesian Contact Center Association (ICCA).
We have also launched New E-PLKK to facilitate JKK's operations and services for participants, which are currently being implemented at more than 74 percent of the PLKK. This year we also facilitate workers with disabilities to access jobs by developing an Inclusive Job Center portal, "added Rommi.
Just so you know, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan until November 2024 has paid 3.8 million claims with a total nominal benefit of touching IDR 51.9 trillion.
This includes the benefits of scholarships given to 92,000 workers' children worth 387.6 billion.
During a decade this number has jumped almost 4 times, which means more workers and their families have benefited from BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and have avoided poverty.
On the other hand, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is able to survive in the midst of global and domestic economic conditions that are full of uncertainty.
It is proven that workers' funds managed by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan continue to grow 13.85 percent year on year (yoy) to Rp 782 trillion.
Romi added that recognition also came from the international level.
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan menjadi satu-satunya lembaga social security yang memiliki jumlah pengakuan ISSA Recognition terbanyak di dunia, berupa 8 ISSA Recognition serta 10 ISSA Good Practice.
"This shows that what we have been doing so far is in accordance with international standards and its quality and capability are recognized," said Rommi.
Aware of the challenges ahead, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan is also committed to encouraging worker productivity and national economic growth through increased awareness and strengthening employment social security.
One of the strategic steps taken is through the event The First Social Security Summit 2024 which was also successfully held last November.
This year, despite the challenges, we are still moving forward to expand the coverage of social security while ensuring that the protection is right on target. With the cultural spirit of Iman ETHIKA, let's make this task a field of worship to have a real impact on workers and their families," concluded Rommi.