As Of December 7, The Ministry Of Industry Has Issued 24,061 TKDN Certificates For Local Products

JAKARTA - The government continues to be committed to increasing the use of domestic products (PDN). This is in line with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 Yeng mandates the central, regional and BUMN and BUMD governments to allocate at least 95 percent of the value of the budget for goods/services to use domestic products (PDN).

To support the PDN purchase target in 2024, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) also issued a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certificate as a guarantee that the products produced are local production.

Deputy Minister of Industry (Wamenperin) Faisol Riza said, through the Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) Number 46 of 2022, TKDN certification for Small Industries (TKDN-IK) is made simple, free and fast.

"As of December 7, 2024, 24,061 TKDN-IK certificates have been issued for 27,064 products," said Faisol in a written statement, Monday, December 9.

It is known, over the past four years, the government has been aggressively promoting the Proudly Made in Indonesia National Movement (Gernas BBI) to continue to boost the increase in spending on domestic industrial products.

Faisol assessed that the government continues to invite people to buy, use, consume and promote local products, especially those made in small and medium industries (IKM), so that the industrial sector in Indonesia will continue to grow and develop.

Since 2023, the government has also synergized Gernas BBI with the Proud National Movement to Travel in Indonesia (Gernas BBWI) because the local product shopping movement is in line with promotions and invitations to travel in Indonesia.

Thus, MSME/IKM products can open wider along with the opening of opportunities and economic potential driven by the tourism sector.

"The Proud Movement Made in Indonesia is not just a slogan. This is a call to love, support and boast of our own work," he said.

It is known that the domestic non-oil and gas processing industry sector still shows positive performance as the main driver of the national economy.

This can be seen from the achievement of macro indicators such as the non-oil and gas processing industry sector in the third quarter of 2024 which grew positively by 4.84 percent with a national economic growth value of 4.95 percent.

The contribution of the non-oil and gas processing industry to GDP in the third quarter of 2024 also reached 17.18 percent and was the highest number among other economic sectors.

In addition, the export value of the non-oil and gas processing industry until September 2024 reached USD 142.24 billion or contributed 73.76 percent to the total national exports which exceeded USD 192.85 billion.

Meanwhile, the realization of investment in the non-oil and gas processing industry for the cumulative period January-September 2024 contributed Rp515.7 trillion or reached 40.9 percent.