How To Know WA Is Blocked Without Effective Chats
YOGYAKARTA When you call a certain number via WhatsApp chat, you may find your message only tick one or not sent. When that happens there are several possibilities, one of which is that you are blocked by that number. How to find out WA is blocked without chat is actually quite easy.
Please note that WhatsApp provides another user blocking feature so that the person cannot interact with you through the application. When the blocking is done, the blocked person will not get a notification. However, there is a way that can be done to find out whether you are blocked or not via WA.
There are several signs blocked in WA that can be known. These signs could be indications that your number is blocked by other users. When you find that the sign occurs in the WA number you have, you will never be able to contact them to that number. The following is a sign that someone blocks WA without having to chat first.
The easiest way to see if someone blocks you in WA is through their profile photo. WhatsApp will usually display profile photos posted by its users. However, the photo can be lost or empty into a WhatsApp default photo.
However, empty WA photos do not always indicate blocking. If the photo condition occurs for a long time, there is a possibility that you will be blocked.
Last Seen (Last Seen) is information that shows the last time someone opened their WhatsApp application. This information can be seen by other people when they visit your profile.
Last Seen information cannot be seen by other people, one of which is due to blocking. Although users can choose whether to display the latest information viewed or not.
Blocking that is carried out against someone makes that person unable to make a summons. When a blocked person makes a call via WA, the status of the call that appears is just 'calling'. The indication of this blocking is very easy to find out without having to chat first.
When someone no longer sees the status of their contact WA, there is a possibility that the person is blocked. Especially if the person usually updates stories via WA, then suddenly you don't get the status of that person.
Another effective way that can be done to find out if someone blocks you in WA is to try to enter someone's number into a WhatsApp group. If these attempts fail, it is likely that the person blocks your number in WA.
Those are some ways to find out WA is blocked without chat. Visit to get other interesting information.