Involved In Sadistic Murder, Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya: Aipda Nikson Threatened To Fire

JAKARTA - The Profession and Security Division (Bid Propam) of the Polda Metro Jaya recommends the Kapolda Metro Jaya to dismiss Aipda Nikson alias N from the Polri institution service.

Along with the criminal process and ethics and health observations at the Police Hospital, Aipda N is threatened with dishonorable dismissal.

The Head of Propam Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Bambang Satriawan, said that the follow-up results of the code of ethics examination of suspected violators of Aipda N who committed a criminal act, namely taking the lives of others or carrying out persecution that caused other people to die, would soon be delivered.

"This act violates the code of ethics, namely Article 8 letter C Paragraph 1 and Article 13 letter M Propol 7 Year 2022," said Kombes Bambang at the Police Hospital, Thursday, evening, December 5.

Furthermore, continued Kombes Bambang, the sanctions mandated in Article 32 of Perpol, Perpol 7 of 2022, were conveyed that for alleged violators who experienced mental disorders, dismissal could be submitted, the Kapolda would carry out the process according to the procedure.

"The process of dismissing the person concerned was carried out. After an explanation from the doctor that the observation was declared a mental disorder, we will recommend to the Kapolda that he be dismissed from the Police Service," he said.

Previously reported, the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, stated that Aipda Nikson Jeni Pangaribuan alias Ucok alias N (41), a suspect in the case of abuse and murder of his biological mother in Cilengsi, has been a psychiatric patient at the Police Hospital since 2020.

"Aipda N, a member of the Bekasi Metro Police, is a patient at Bhayangkara Hospital Level 1 Police Health Center, recorded since 2020. The patient has been hospitalized repeatedly," said the Mental Specialist at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Henny Riana to reporters, Thursday, December 5, evening.

Aipda Nikson had the heart to persecute his biological mother to death at a shop owned by the victim in Rawajun Village, Dayeuh Village, Cileungsi District, Bogor Regency, on Sunday night, December 1.

The Head of Cileungsi Police, Kompol Wahyu Maduransyah Putra, explained that the incident took place at around 21.30 WIB.

"At that time, the witness was shopping at the victim's shop, Herlina Sianipar (61). The victim and her son, Nikson Jeni Pangaribuan alias Ucok (41), were in a shop," Wahyu said, Monday, December 2.

Witnesses said Nikson suddenly pushed his mother to the floor. It didn't stop there, the perpetrator took a 3 kg LPG gas cylinder in the shop and hit the victim's head three times until the victim finally died.