Examples Of Short Lectures On Death As A Commemoration For Muslims

YOGYAKARTA - Death is a certain phase that will be experienced by every human being living in the world. During life in the world, humans are required to do good things that are beneficial both for themselves and others. that's why short lectures about death are often conveyed as a reminder.

Topics of death are often part of a brief lecture delivered in mosques or in places that hold religious activities. Speaking of death, discussion of this matter is very important anytime and anywhere to remind that humans will definitely experience it.

If you are a lecturer or get the mandate to fill out a study, this topic can be an option to convey to the audience. There are various examples of lectures about death that you can use as a reference.

Here are some examples of short lectures on death that you can convey to the audience while filling religious events:

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All of us, we are all required to make the best use of time in this world because death is something certain. Every human being, regardless of who he is or how old he will be, will die.

No one escapes this destiny. Every soul will surely return to Allah SWT. This was confirmed by Allah in His word to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Surah Az-Zumar paragraph 30:

You can't believe it, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.

"Actually you will definitely die and in fact they will die (also),"

Allah SWT also emphasized it through paragraph 34 in the letter Al-Anbiya which reads:

Let's take care of it. Let's take care of it, let's take care of it.

If you die they will last forever?

Death is something no one can avoid. We will all experience it, even if we don't know where, when, or how.

Death does not look at the status or position, whether a person is a king, official, ordinary person, poor, adult, or a small child. When the time comes, every soul will surely meet its death.

Let's take care of it, let's take care of it, let's take care of it and let's take care of it.

"Every soul will die," said Allah Swt. in surah Ali-Imran verse 185.

Now we live with ourselves, have we prepared provisions to face death and life in the afterlife? If so, then we will avoid the principles of hell and be given a place in the heaven of Allah SWT. We will be successful individuals in the hereafter.

Success in the hereafter is not measured by the position, wealth, title, big house, or the number of cars we have. What is more important is whether we have done good deeds in the world and avoid the prohibitions of Allah SWT. Therefore, never forget our daily worship so that we are kept away from the principles of hell.

Those are the messages that I can convey to all of the audience tonight and hopefully provide benefits for all of us. At the end of the words, wassalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The congregation attendees this afternoon,

In this modern era, not a few people doubt the existence of life after death. They think that life is only limited to the world. As a result, they live their daily life regardless of halal and haram, and ignore the concepts of heaven and hell.

In fact, the Qur'an firmly states that Allah SWT promises life after death. One day, after death, we will be revived to account for all the deeds we have done while living in the world.

This has been conveyed in the surah Al-Infithar verse 17-19 which reads:

- Do you know what a day of retaliation is? Then do you know what a day of retaliation is? Namely the day when a person is helpless at all to help others. And all affairs at that time are in the power of Allah SWT.

On that day, every good will be rewarded with goodness and every bad will receive a commensurate reward. All human deeds will be rewarded according to the Decree of Allah SWT. Heaven is provided for believers, while those who deny will face the punishment of hell.

As Muslims, we are obliged to believe in the end or the day of retaliation. This belief aims to make us always be careful in living life and consider the consequences of every action we take.

That's a short lecture from me on this occasion. Hopefully what I convey can benefit all of us. At the end of the word, wassalamualaikum warahmatulahhi wabarakatuh.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The honor of Allah SWT, death is part of a series of human life journeys. No one knows when death will come to us as servants of Allah SWT.

On this occasion full of grace, allow me to deliver a short lecture on how we can prepare ourselves for death.

Keep in mind that this world consists of two things: life and death. Death is God's definite decree that must occur and cannot be avoided. It is the first door that must be passed for the hereafter.

Rasulullah SAW said in HR. Bukhari:

How about it? Let's talk about it, let's talk about it, let's talk about it.

There is no God other than Allah, actually in death there is pain.

When life is removed, our breaths will stall, the mouth will be silenced, the body will lose strength, and the door will be closed forever. At that time, no one was able to save us from death.

Therefore, let's think about it: have we prepared ourselves to face death? Is the provision we have collected enough? Are we worthy to meet with our Rabb? And do we deserve to be placed in heaven with all the pleasure?

May we be among the groups of believers who always prepare provision for the afterlife, so that we can die in a state of husnul khatimah, get the pleasure of Allah SWT.

As the sound of verse 27-30 in surah Al-Fajr, 'O calm soul, return to your Lord with a satisfied heart. So enter into the congregation'ah of My servants, go into heaven-Ku,'

Those are the lectures that I can convey at this moment. May all of you always do good in the world. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

All praise to Allah SWT for giving us so many blessings and gifts, ranging from health, living opportunities, to the most valuable pleasure, namely the favors of faith and Islam.

May Allah SWT always provide His instructions to us so that we can always be grateful for all the blessings that have been given. Don't forget, may prayer and greetings always be poured out to the late Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, and his family and friends.

My brothers who believe in all of them, here I will convey a little about death. As the word of Allah in Ali Imran's letter paragraph 185 which means:

Everyone who has a spirit will feel that his name is dead. In fact, on the Day of Resurrection your reward will be perfected. Whoever is kept away from hell and put in heaven, then he is really lucky. Life in the world is nothing but a deceiving pleasure (QS. Ali Imran 3: 185).

The verse explains that death is a certainty that will happen to everyone. Without us realizing it, we are currently waiting for our turn to face death.

The life we live now is a temporary and uneternal life. Therefore, we must realize that the real life of the hereafter is eternal.

If our good deeds are more severe, then we will enter heaven. On the other hand, if our bad deeds are more, then we will be placed in hell. So be happy if in this world we do more bad deeds because there is no greater luck than winning heaven.

Such is the short lecture that I can deliver this time, hopefully it can benefit all of you. Wasalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Those are some examples of short lectures about death that you can bring to fill lectures or religious events. Also read the differences in tabligh sermons, and da'wah.

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