Making Peace, Idham Masse Withdraws Appeal On Claims For IDR 700 Million From Catherine Wilson
JAKARTA - The former couple Catherine Wilson and Idham Masse finally decided to make peace regarding the demands for a living filed by Catherine Wilson when suing for divorce from her ex-husband amounting to Rp700 million.
"Alhamdulillah, today there is good faith from both parties, both Catherine and Mr. Idham, both agreed to end their household life and from what has been done today to maintain the kindness of both parties," explained Dody Haryanto as Catherine Wilson's attorney at the Depok Religious Court, Tuesday, December 3.
"So today it was stated in a legal statement that Catherine's mother's lawsuit was granted by the panel of judges at the request and all kinds of things in the trial process," he continued.
This was also confirmed by Idham Masse who said that he had agreed with the judge's decision during the divorce trial against the claim for a living of Rp700 million.
"Yes, we have agreed (with the judge's decision)," said Idham Masse.
For him, this has become a mutual agreement between him and Catherine Wilson to hope that all problems related to living and others do not need to be brought up again.
"Yes, we have arranged it together, so we don't have to bring it up anymore. The point is that we respect each other, respect each other until we make a decision to be peaceful," he said.
Previously, Idham Masse filed an appeal lawsuit which he filed because there were several points decided by the Depok Religious Court which he did not accept.
One of the points rejected by the panel of judges was the previous living in which Catherine Wilson demanded Rp800 million to Idham Masse.
"So past earnings were rejected, because I have evidence that I always send it to him (Crypto Wilson)," he said.
Furthermore, Idham explained the reasons he objected to providing mut'ah and only for Keket, where Rp700 million was Rp400 million for mut'ah and Rp300 million for iddah.
"I think it's wrong because it's too much, mut'ah, it's actually just a gift, if the prize's how much I can afford it, that's what I can give. For me, the Rp400 million mut'ah is too big," he explained.
"Well, then it must be paid Rp. 300 million for three months. So Rp. 100 million per month," he continued.