Be Alert, These Are 8 Health Problems That Often Appear At The Age Of 50
JAKARTA - When you are over 50 years old, some diseases can appear suddenly and hurt. Pain and pain that may not be too worrying at a young age, can now be a sign of a big problem in middle age. The following is a list of information that VOI collects from the WebMD page, Wednesday, October 4.
This is a frequent 50-year-old health problem. In the United States, about 735,000 people experience it every year. A 50-year-old man has a 1 in 2 chance of developing heart disease at some point. The most common signs are chest pain, shortness of breath, and back pain, shoulders, or neck. You can also feel sweaty, dizzy, or like you want to vomit. The risk of a heart attack is lower if you have a healthy weight, don't smoke, and exercise regularly.
This occurs when the blood does not reach the brain as it should, and the brain cells start to die. Get help immediately if you suddenly feel weak or numb on your face, arms, or feet, lose direction or become confused, and have difficulty speaking. You can lower the risk if you maintain blood pressure, eat low cholesterol foods, manage stress, exercise, and quit smoking.
Bile is a lump of thick bile, a liquid that helps the body remove dirt. Bile is stuck when it comes out of a bile bag, a small organ under the heart. Its size can start from a grain of sand to a golf ball and can cause severe pain in the upper abdomen or behind the navel. You are more likely to experience it if you are obese, have diabetes or Crohn's disease, or don't exercise.
Sometimes bile can trigger this. Acute Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. Acute Pancreatitis causes severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever, and can be life-threatening. Seek medical help immediately if you experience these symptoms. Acute Pancreatitis can also be caused by excessive alcohol consumption, high calcium levels, or a type of fat called triglyceride.
This can happen at any age, but your bones may become fragile as you get older and more likely to break. The loss of bone density is known as osteoporosis, and this is very common in older women. Calcium and vitamin D can help slow down or stop this condition from getting worse, and certain medicines can help you maintain your bones, or even help rebuild them.
If you suddenly feel dizzy, you may suffer from vertigo. This condition can happen if the small crystals in your inner ear, which help you control your balance, move. You are more likely to experience it as you get older, perhaps because these crystals are not well restrained. Doctors can treat them with a series of head movements that put the particles back in place.
This is a hard clump, usually made of calcium, which forms in the kidneys. Kidney stones often come out without causing any harm to your body, but larger kidney stones can be very painful and cause bleeding or infection or clog urine flow. Kidney stones are more common in men than women. You can help prevent them by drinking a lot of fluids every day. Water is the best choice.
This condition appears as a sudden pain and swelling in one of the joints, often on the thumb. This is a form of joint inflammation caused by the buildup of gout in the body. If you take certain drugs for high blood pressure, eat red meat and shells, or drink alcohol, you are at higher risk. soda sweeteners known as fructose also increase risk, as well as obesity.