Psychological Flexibility Helps Overcome Stress And Anxiety, Do You Know How?

YOGYAKARTA Psychological flexibility is the capacity to act based on long-term goals, not impulsiveness or short-term push. That means being psychologically flexible allows a person to adapt easily to change and react in a healthy, new, and creative way in line with the goals or values held.

According to clinical psychologist and assistant professor at the NYU School of Medicine, Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., FTOS., psychological flexibility basically remains at the present and is open to experiencing any thoughts or feelings that arise, then acts in line with the values held. Launching VerywellMind, Tuesday, December 3, Goldman explains that psychological flexibility helps to accept difficult emotions, deal with setbacks, manage emotions including when stressed or anxious, and find benefits. To get these benefits, here's an explanation of how to stay psychologically flexible.

Full attention or related mindfulness about attendance and includes a great way to be better aware of emotions, thoughts, sensations, and perceptions of the surrounding environment. How to practice mindfulness by taking a little time each day to focus on activities such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing. When you practice, you may find that you become more aware and ready to adapt to your changing environment.

Furthermore, to be psychologically flexible, try to accept the idea that a number of feelings of discomfort and uncertainty are part of life. Instead of trying to avoid or fight difficulties, admitting it can actually provide valuable information about how to adapt to changing circumstances.

To overcome negative thoughts, Goldman suggests recording and what behavior makes it even worse. When you identify thoughts that don't help, it's important to challenge them and replace them with something more helpful.

Openness is one of the characteristics of psychological flexibility. This means being open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. You can talk to someone with a different background from you, reading books, watching movies, or other new experiences.

Openness of mind can be nurtured by seeking perspectives other than your own perspective. Follow people who are not always in line with your background. Listen to what people say that come from various walks of life. Studying more about other people's perspectives can not only help you become more empathetic, but can also open you to a more flexible way of thinking about the world.

A growing mindset focuses on learning new things and taking action to determine your takdir. People with this mindset see the challenges of life as an opportunity to grow, believing that their actions can affect a better life.

In addition to the above methods, psychological flexibility is also a continuous process that requires continuous effort and training. Combining the above strategy can help you improve your welfare, adapt more effectively, and of course for mental health.