Sido Muncul Opens Healthy Outlets At UKRIDA Hospital Jakarta
JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) has re-opened a Healthy Outlet at the hospital. This 7th Healthy Outlet is opened at the Kristen Krida Wacana University Hospital (UKRIDA Hospital) Jakarta, on Saturday 30 November.
The presence of the Healthy Sido Muncul Kiosk is a form of innovation aimed at introducing herbal medicine to the community.
Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat said, Sido Muncul Healthy Outlet is a manifestation of a breakthrough to support patients getting recovery.
This is a breakthrough to enter the hospital formally. We enter so that patients can determine alternative treatment themselves. Products that are present at outlets have also passed various stages of research, and the quality of the production continues to be maintained according to applicable standards so that they can enter the hospital," explained Irwan in his written statement, quoted on Sunday, December 1.
Irwan said that the Sido Healthy Outlet Appearing at the UKRIDA Hospital in Jakarta is the 7th form of cooperation between hospitals and Sido Muncul. Previously, Sido Muncul had opened a Healthy Outlet with a number of hospitals including the Semarang Wilasa Panti Hospital, Bung Karno Hospital Solo, Banyumanik Hospital Semarang, Bali Mandara Hospital, Ari Canti Ubud Gianyar Bali Hospital and the Jakarta Cempaka Putih Islamic Hospital.
"With the cooperation carried out, it is hoped that herbal medicines can become a companion or supporter of formal health services," explained Irwan.
Before inaugurating the 7th Healthy Outlet, Sido Muncul through the Sido Muncul Natural product collaborated with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), and the Kristen Krida Wacana Hospital (UKRIDA Hospital) held a seminar to raise the theme "Transformation of Natural Medicine in the Medical World as a Bridge Towards Holistic Health in the Modern Era", at UKRIDA Hospital, Jakarta, Saturday 30 November.
This seminar was held so that doctors would know more about the benefits, security and use of the right herbal medicine. In the seminar, Irwan Hidayat said that the challenge in the future will be independence, because at this time we are still dependent on imported drugs.
"Even though God has given us such extraordinary natural wealth as the largest biological source in the world. But we are not processing it well. Jamu is one of the natural resources that we can take advantage of," said Irwan.
As an entrepreneur, Irwan admitted that he could only find ideas and ideas. The key is that doctors who must know not only treat drugs but also understand natural medicines.
"The important thing is understanding first, awareness to find ways to work with it. The collaboration is the factory for the standardized one, the doctor understands natural medicines," explained Irwan.
UKRIDA Hospital Director dr. Tuan Juniar Situmorang, M. Kes., welcomed the existence of this health seminar.
He also supports the transformation of natural ingredients that can be used as alternatives and also as an effort to create a holistic treatment.
"Hopefully, apart from holding seminars, we will also place some healthy outlets in hospitals. Later we will also work with Sido Muncul to actively provide education to the public regarding the natural ingredients used," he said.