Former Boss Of Insight Investments Management Targeted By KPK Regarding The Investment Process Of PT Taspen
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is looking for the investment process of PT Taspen to PT Insight Investments Management which has turned out to be fictitious and detrimental to the state. Three witnesses were questioned, one of which was Ekiawan Heri Primaryanto, who was the former President Director of PT Insight Investments Management for the 2016-March 2024 period.
"The three witnesses were present and investigators studied the investment process of PT Taspen to IIM," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika, quoted on Monday, December 2.
Apart from Ekiawan, the anti-corruption commission is also exploring the investment process of the state-owned company from two other witnesses. They are the Finance and Accounting Director of PT Sinarmas Sekuritas, Julius Sanjaya and Patar Sitanggang who are called the KPK are private parties.
Meanwhile, Ekiawan Heri Priyaryanto is already a suspect along with former President Director of PT Taspen (Persero) Antonius NS Kosasih. However, the anti-corruption commission has not officially announced the two names.
Previously reported, PT Taspen (Persero) is suspected of making fictitious investments of up to Rp1 trillion. The funds were transferred in a number of forms such as stocks to sukuk.
Recently, the anti-corruption commission is investigating whether there is a kick back or thank you to Kosasih. The deepening continues but is not detailed by the Director of Investigation of the KPK Asep Guntur Rahayu.
"That's what we are looking for (win back, red)," said KPK Investigation Director Asep Guntur Rahayu to reporters quoted on Thursday, November 7.
Asep lantas menjelaskan PT Insight Investments Management merupakan salah satu perusahaan manajer investasi yang digandeng PT Taspen untuk meliput uang pensiun ke sejumlah securitas. Hanya saja, praktiknya tidak sesuai aturan sehingga diduga terjadi korupsi.
"One of them is because it turns out that the investment is not profitable, it continues to be a loss there," he said.
In addition, investigators have also investigated the flow and financial transactions of Kosasih through two witnesses, namely Dhoni Nurhananto, who is part of finance and a consultant named Jennifer B. Tumbuan. Both were questioned on Thursday, November 21.