Two MIND ID Group Smelter Projects Absorb Thousands Of Workers

JAKARTA - BUMN Mining Industry Holding Indonesia, MIND ID, is committed to encouraging investment to increase local labor absorption through the smelter project being carried out.

Not only increasing the added value of domestic commodities, but the MIND ID Group strategic initiative also contributes to improving the quality of local human resources (HR).

MIND ID Corporate Secretary Heri Yusuf said that investment in the MIND ID Group mineral downstream program and industrialization has had a significant positive impact on economic performance, one of which is through increasing local labor absorption.

Investasi yang kami lakukan memberikan manfaat langsung berupa penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal di sekitar wilayah operasional. Selain itu, investasi ini juga mendorong tercipalnya lapangan kerja baru di sektor-sektor pendukung, ujar Heri Yusuf.

For the Semlter Tembaga project in Manyar, it was recorded that at least 2,000 workers were fully absorbed while operating, consisting of 1,200 contractor employees and 800 direct employees of PT Freeport Indonesia.

In addition, the Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR) project in Mempawah absorbs 1,100 employees, which is divided into 880 power transfer personnel to security personnel, as well as plans to add 200 employees along with the operation of the smelter.

At the construction stage, the SGAR project previously absorbed up to 3,000 workers. Meanwhile, the Smelter Copper project in Manyar absorbed around 2,600 workers during the construction stage.

Heri Yusuf added that the quality of the workforce also increased along with the technology transfer process that runs in every operational area. This allows local workers to pursue a better career path.

"As an extension of the government's hand, we are trying to ensure that the strategic initiatives carried out are able to provide maximum benefits for Indonesia, including absorption and improvement of the quality of local workers," he said.