Minister Nusron Calls PSN PIK 2 There Is An RDRT Problem, Needs To Be Reviewed

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) found a number of problems in the Tropical Coastland Tourism National Strategic Project (PSN) in Banten PIK 2. This problem also makes the spatial conditions of the Agung Sedayu Group project need to be reviewed.

Minister of ATR/BPN Nusron Wahid said, after his party checked, it was found that there was a discrepancy with the provincial Spatial Planning (RTRW), the city and did not have a Detailed Spatial Planning (RDTR).

"After we checked, yes, PIK 2, the provincial RTRW is not suitable. Second, from 1,705 hectares (ha) of the area, the location is 1,500 ha, which is a protected forest area. And currently, the protected forest has not decreased its status from a protected forest to a conversion forest, from a conversion forest to an APR. Not at all," said Nusron in a media gathering at the ATR/BPN Ministry Office, South Jakarta, Thursday, November 28.

Nusron said that the problem of protected forest land entered the realm of the Ministry of Forestry. Meanwhile, those that fall into the scope of the ATR/BPN Ministry's problems are more about the incompatibility of the RTRW.

According to him, this problem can still get relief by providing recommendations for conformity to Spatial Utilization Activities (KKPR) from the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN. This is based on the Job Creation Law Number 6 of 2023 and Presidential Decree Number 58 of 2017 concerning Amendments to Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2016 concerning Acceleration of Implementation of National Strategic Projects.

"Will I provide a recommendation from the KKPR or not? Well, whether or not the Minister of APR/BPN provides a recommendation from the KKPR, we are currently reviewing it," he said.

In addition, this step still needs to be reconsidered because the remaining 200 ha of land is included in the Sustainable Food Agriculture Area (KP2B). Therefore, an in-depth assessment needs to be carried out.

In issuing recommendations, his party will conduct a technical study on the suitability of space utilization considering that PSN's focus on 2024-2029 is a project that supports the interests of food self-sufficiency, energy, downstream and the Giant Sea Wall Jakarta and North Coast projects. Jakarta.

Later, Nusron will see whether PIK 2 is included in this category or not. So, later you can draw conclusions.

"Well, whether this can be included in that category, we are currently reviewing it. When it is finished, we will only see this," he added.

PIK 2 is a new region development project in the 2024 National Strategic Project (PSN) in the 2014-2024 President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) era. The owner is Aguan who owns the Agung Sedayu Group.

This PSN has a land area of 1,705 ha along the North Coast of Tangerang, Muara Village to Kronjo Village. Meanwhile, those included in the PSN area include Tanjung Pasir Village covering an area of 54 ha with an outstanding condition of mostly in the form of ponds, Kohod Village covering an area of 261 ha with an existing condition in the form of pond or mangrove land.

Then, there are Muara Village and Tanjung Pasir Village covering an area of 302 hectares with existing conditions in the form of ponds and mangrove forests, Muara Village covering an area of 217 hectares with existing conditions in the form of ponds and Mauk Village and Kronjo Village covering an area of 687 hectares with existing conditions in the form of swamps and ponds.

"This has been determined by the Coordinating Minister for Economics, others are not included in the PSN area. So, what is outside this map says entering PSN is not true. Only 1,705 ha PSN will be used for tourism, mangrove tourism, will be used for tourism purposes," said Nusron in his official statement.