6 Quick Ways To Cure Bolong Ear Gendang, Let's Listen!

YOGYAKARTA Broken ear or broken ear is a condition when the hair membrane (thin tissue that divides Tengan's and outer ear) is torn or perforated. The quick way to cure perforated eardrums can be done with a simple treatment, consumption of certain drugs to medical action to repair tissue damage.

In order for you to better understand how to quickly cure perforated eardrums, see the full explanation below.

Compiled from various sources, the following is a quick way to break the perforated eardrum that you can try:

1. Place the cold compress on the sore ear

When the eardrum is broad or torn, you can put the dipi compress on the sore ear. These tips can help reduce discomfort in the problematic ears.

Avoid compressing a sore ear area with ice cubes directly. To do so, wash ice cubes with a towel or soft cloth and then attach it to the problematic ears.

2. Pay attention to sleeping position

Sleep positions can also affect the healing process of perforated eardrums. Related to this, you are advised to use two pillows while sleeping. position the sore ears higher than other body parts. These tips are effective enough to reduce pressure on the sore ears.

3. Don't blow your nose

If your eardrum has holes or holes, never blow your nose. This movement can cause pressure on the inside of the ear. Avoid holding your breath, because it can inhibit the process of healing the eardrum.

4. Consumption of pain relievers

If a perforated eardrum causes unbearable pain, you can take analgesic drugs to lower the intensity of the pain.

Some of the drugs recommended to deal with these disturbances are paracetamol and profen's mother.

5. Consumption of antibiotics

If there is a bacterial infection in a perforated eardrum area, the quick way to cure it is to take antibiotics. However, this drug can only be accessed with a prescription from a doctor.

The shape can be in the form of tablets or ear drops that function to protect the ears from new infections caused by tearing. The use of antibiotics can relieve discomfort in the ears.

6. Medical action

If a perforated eardrum does not recover after a simple treatment, you may need to get medical action from the THT doctor to cure these health problems.

Several medical actions that can repair the perforated ear tissue, namely:

After getting help, then you need to avoid loud music or sounds, reduce the volume of the headset you wear, use ear protection equipment, avoid putting any object into your ears even though the object looks clean.

That's information about how to quickly cure a broad eardrum. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.