PLN IP Committed To Realizing The Sustainability Of Company Programs

JAKARTA - PT PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) is committed to continuing to realize the sustainability of company programs through business practices, which are transparent and responsible.

"The sustainability report, which we present, illustrates the company's determination to present energy solutions that are not only reliable, but also responsible for future generations. We are committed to continuing to strengthen our role in protecting the environment and contributing positively to the community," said Director of Human Capital Management and Administration of PLN Indonesia Power Wisnoe Satrijono in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Wisnoe added, for this sustainability commitment, PLN IP again won the Platinum Rank Trophy award for the fifth time in the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) 2024, which was held by the National Center for Corporate Reporting (NCCR).

According to him, in delivering its sustainability report, PLN IP highlighted significant efforts to develop clean energy, reduce carbon footprint, and encourage sustainable community empowerment around the company's operational areas.

In the 2024 ASRRAT, which was attended by 70 organizations including private and public companies as well as higher education institutions, PLN Indonesia Power became one of 11 organizations, which are considered worthy of being ranked Platinum and is the highest ranking in the event.

The chairman of the 2024 V ASRRAT jury, Saptarini, explained that this year more companies and organizations are showing commitment and awareness of sustainability.

"Independent evaluations are carried out to ensure that the sustainability report, submitted to meet international standards such as the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) and OJK regulations. This is done to maintain the quality and credibility of the report," he explained.

NCCR Board of Trustee Chairman Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro added that the award event, which became the most prestigious in the Asian region, was given to organizations that showed transparency, accountability, and extraordinary performance in the company's business sustainability report.

It is also considered successful in recording significant achievements in mitigation and adaptation efforts to climate change.

"The sustainability curve is currently increasingly prioritizing business with clear actions and objectives. ASRRAT is an annual initiative that gives appreciation to organizations for its contribution in compiling quality and relevant sustainability reports," he explained. GPLN Indonesia Power as a company that carries out environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices that are strong and in line with the SDGs, strengthens its commitment to continuing to develop sustainable energy, protect the environment, and contribute positively to the community.