PDIP Optimistic Pram-Rano Karno Wins One Round In Jakarta Gubernatorial Election

The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP), Hasto Kristiyanto, believes that the number three pair in the Jakarta Pilkada, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno, can win one round. A number of power maneuvers are said to have no effect.
"We are optimistic that one round will be, so we say be aware of all movements that want to try to force two rounds," said Hasto as quoted from his written statement, Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
Hasto said that the suspicion of power maneuvers in Jakarta to make the governor's election run in two rounds had already been detected. So, all cadres, sympathizers, and volunteers are asked to be aware of and keep Pramono-Rano Karno's voice.
Even though the results of the quick count and exit poll so far have shown the superiority of the candidate pair he carries compared to pair number 1, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono, and pair number 2, Dharma Porengkun-Kun Wardana.
"In Jakarta, we see that from the results of the exit poll and quick count conducted within the party, the Pramono Anung-Rano Karno pair won and won one round," said Hasto.
Furthermore, Hasto said that his party did not want to make assumptions about the second round in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.
They remain confident that Pramono-Rano Karno will win because of the support of former governors, such as Anies Baswedan, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Sutiyoso, and Fauzi Bowo.
"So, we still believe that Mas Pram-Rano Karno has one round. That's fair, if honest."
"Let's guard all Jakarta sympathizers so that this is really a round," said Hasto.
It is known, from various quick calculations of survey institutions, Pramono-Rano Karno's votes now occupy 49 percent. Then, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono at 40 percent and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana at 10 percent.