After Voting in Pondok Gede, Ahmad Syaikhu Goes Straight to Bandung to Coordinate with DPW PKS
WEST JAVA - West Java (Jabar) gubernatorial candidate Ahmad Syaikhu voted at TPS 080, Jatimakmur Village, Pondok Gede, Bekasi City. He came to the TPS with his wife and children after holding a prayer with his family.
Syaikhu arrived at TPS 080 at 09.00 WIB and immediately handed over the voting invitation to the local polling organizing group (KPPS) officer.
"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to be able to play a role in contributing to the democratic party of the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election," he said in Bekasi, West Java, Wednesday, November 27, as quoted by Antara.
Before entering the voting booth, Syaikhu was seen checking the ballots to make sure they had been voted for or not.
After voting, he did not forget to dip his little finger in ink before leaving the TPS.
Syaikhu hopes that the 2024 Pilkada can run conducively, smoothly, and peacefully.
"Hopefully everything will run smoothly and according to expectations. We must still uphold this democracy together," he said.
After the voting, Syaikhu immediately went to Bandung to coordinate with the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) of West Java Province.
"Today's agenda is to go to the post on Diponegoro Street Bandung, then coordinate with the DPW," he said.