Dpr Asks The Government To Immediately Socialize Subsidies Ongkir Eid Online Shopping Day

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Azis Syamsuddin welcomed the government's plan to subsidize postage (shipping) of goods transactions through online with a total budget of Rp 500 billion on the National Online Shopping Day (Harbolnas) ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1422 Hijri.

Eid al-Fitr's free online shopping policy called Aizs can increase people's purchasing power and economic efforts in the midst of COVID-19 protesters.

"So that the economy can rise and society prospers" Azis told reporters, Monday, April 12.

According to golkar politicians, the government needs to immediately socialize the plan to the companies involved so that every element can take advantage of this opportunity to move the national economy.

"The government should immediately socialize these subsidies to e-commerce companies, goods providers, expedition service providers, and the public to encourage an increase in the volume of online trade transactions," explained Azis.

Azis also encouraged the government to provide direct subsidies to expedition service providers, whether or not using e-commerce services.

"This is to prevent potential cuts made by the e-commerce party, so that the realization goes according to plan and objectives," he said.

Government Prepares Rp500 Billion for Online Shopping

The government prepared a fund of Rp500 billion to subsidize postage (shipping) from the purchase of goods through online on H-10 or H-5 ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1422 Hijri, in order to stimulate public consumption.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto after the plenary cabinet session at the State Palace said, the government prepared a National Shopping Day on H-10 and H-5 for the sale of domestic products.

"National shopping day through online is intended for national products and the government will subsidize postage," said Airlangga, Wednesday, April 7.

This effort to distribute online shopping subsidies, said Airlangga, became one of the stimulus to encourage public consumption in Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. Celebrations for Muslims is often a momentum for the growth of public consumption.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), said Airlangga, has advised to maintain the trend of economic recovery while continuing to restore aspects of public health from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Therefore (stimulus) related to the demand side (demand) needs to continue," he said.