Sleeping Positions When Pregnant Young So That You Can Rest Comfortably And Reduce Nausea

YOGYAKARTA The nausea that arises when pregnant is natural. Even nausea is a sign of young pregnancy. When often nausea, the body of pregnant women becomes easily tired and weak. However, it should be noted that nausea experienced by young pregnant women can be overcome in various ways, one of which is by adjusting the position of sleep. The sleeping position to reduce nausea when pregnant is young also helps mothers rest comfortably.

The following sleeping positions can be practiced at home. In addition to being safe, this sleeping position helps reduce nausea and helps sleep more soundly so that energy can recover.

Try to sleep with a tilted left position. This position helps overcome acid reflux in the stomach and helps relieve other disorders that trigger nausea. During pregnancy, tilted sleep to the left will increase blood flow. The impact for babies is quite large, namely helping vital organs to maintain, increasing nutritional intake, and increasing oxygen supply.

While sleeping with a tilted right position will trigger vomiting, especially in pregnant women. Try to practice tilted sleep to the left.

This sleeping position is also very recommended. The method is very easy, you can sleep sideways while bending one or two knees as high as possible. This method not only makes sleep more comfortable but helps support your back.

Quoted from AI Care, sleeping on your back while pregnant will lower the supply of oxygen to the uterus. This happens because of pressure on blood vessels. However, pregnant women can sleep in that position by adding several pillows under their backs. This method helps pregnant women sleep more easily without worrying about the supply of oxygen being disrupted.

Another way that can be done is to raise the upper body higher than the legs. This method can help relieve symptoms of nausea experienced by young pregnant women. Try to block your back to your head with pillows. But stacks should not be too high because it is feared it will interfere with sleep.

The pregnancy pillow does help pregnant women to be more comfortable when sleeping, including minimizing nausea during rest. Try to choose a pregnant pillow that is the size according to the body.

It should be noted that symptoms of nausea when pregnant usually occur at the gestational age of 13'14 weeks or when entering the second trimester. If the symptoms of nausea do not improve, pregnant women are advised to immediately check with a doctor in order to get medical treatment as soon as possible.

In addition to sleeping positions to reduce nausea when pregnant, visit to get other interesting information.