Fever And Feet Feel Hot, Check Out The Explanation According To Islam
Islam always prioritizes logic in responding to a disease. However, Islamic teachings also do not deny that there is an invisible thing that has an impact on a person's body. The possible condition is that the feet feel hot. Then how does the view of the feet feel hot according to Islam?
From a medical point of view, there are many things that cause the legs to feel hot. For example, the legs are attacked by water sickles which make itching accompanied by itching on the soles of the feet. The trigger of the hot feet can also be caused by fever. When the fever, the body's defense will fight the fibrus infection. When a fever occurs, the body will feel hot, including in the leg area.
Quoted from a scientific article entitled Symptoms of Perspective Fever in the World of Muslim Medicine: Tahkrij and Syarah Hadith Studies published in the Mount Djati Conference Series, it is explained about the Islamic view of fever.
In the article, it is explained that the Prophet SAW gave a parable that the heat of fever is the same as the fragments of hell. This is like a hadith of Muslim history, which means as follows.
Has told us Zuhair bin Harb and Muhammad bin Al-Mutsana both said; Has told us Yahya, namely Ibnu Said from Ubaidillah; has reported to me Nafi from Ibnu Umar from Prophet Shalallahahu alaihi wasallam he said: The fever comes from the heat of hell. Therefore (it is cold) with water (HR. Muslim).
If you refer to the hadith mentioned above, the way that a person with a fever can do that has an impact on his heat leg is to cool it with water. This method refers to the method of compressing a fever.
Apart from the hadith, please note that Islam teaches prayers that need to be read when a person suffers from diseases such as fever, dizziness, and other diseases. The following is a prayer taught by the Prophet SAW, quoted from NU Online.
You can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't help it, you can't.
Bismillel kabbari, adzu bill Holazhmi min syari kulli irqin namen wa min syarirri harrin n
Meaning: In the name of Allah Almighty. I take refuge in Allah Almighty from wounds that bleeding and from the heat of hell.
Although Islam has guidance in dealing with a disease, patients suffering from certain health problems are still advised to consult a doctor. Efforts to seek treatment with medical knowledge are a form of effort that must be carried out in Islam.
It is also not allowed to treat diseases with things like coming to a shaman or looking for treatment that is not scientifically tested.
That's information about the legs feeling hot according to Islam. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.