KLH Prepares Regulations Regarding The Utilization Of Palm Oil Methane
The VOLUNTEERS - Ministry of Environment (KLH) are drafting regulations related to the use of methane from waste in the palm oil industry, including the incentive and disincentive government in its implementation, to support the carbon trading climate in the country.
"Our hope is that in the not too distant future the instrument in the form of a Ministerial Regulation or temporary decision by the Head of the Environmental Control Agency, we will try to rename it limited management of POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluen) into a methane capture," said Minister of Environment/Head of the Environmental Control Agency (BLH) Hanif Faisol during a visit to Pelalawan Regency, Riau, Saturday.
Touching on the good practice carried out by the palm oil industry he visited today, which utilizes methane from palm waste for energy, he said the big impact of the waste reduction measures.
The role of the palm oil industry is needed because according to data from the Deputy for Pollution and Environmental Damage Control from the palm oil industry, which is produced from an area of 18 million hectares throughout Indonesia, it can reach 36 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
He admitted that there were differences in the ability among palm oil industry players to utilize methane from the waste of the palm oil industry. For this reason, the regulation will prepare each layer of utilization to support its acceleration.
His party will also study the good practices of other companies that have used methane, to get a complete picture of roadmap formation.
"We are compiling this together, hopefully, we hope that we will be able to quickly prepare the roadmap and then we will oversee the implementation," he explained.
On that occasion, he also stated that the KLH as the guardian of the issue of climate change would seek to build a carbon trading climate, including the use of methane.