According To Research, Showing Afeksi To These 7 Beneficiary Couples

YOGYAKARTA Affeksi is a love that is shown to those closest to you. It can be in the form of attention, physical touch, and respect. According to psychologist Chloe Paidoussis-Mitchell, the affect shown may sound trivial. But it does not show that affection has a negative impact on romantic relationships or pairwise relationships. Even lack of affection from a partner can affect mental well-being. Well, to find out what are the benefits of showing affection on a partner, here's a list according to research.

The reason why couples need to show affection by holding hands, hugging, and giving touch, is because it can increase levels of oxytocin. The effect of this hormone can reduce pain and bring a calming sensation.

Love can be predicted through how much connection is both physically and mentally with a partner. That is, saying love without any sincerity that shows physical and mental connection, does not show any affection in a pair relationship.

According to research, women who get more hugs from their partners, have lower blood pressure. Unfortunately, no research has yet proven otherwise. But this illustrates that it shows that affect is not only predicting the presence of love, but also physical and psychological health.

Showing physical affection can affect the way other people view you. In addition to being useful for increasing pleasure, physical health, lowering blood pressure, according to research, showing affection for your partner also increases how trustworthy you are.

Showing affection for lovers, can reduce cortisol. Cortisol is a neurotransmitter that is released more when stressed. But when it is flooded with love every day, cortisol is produced lower and is produced more oxytocin or pleasure hormones.

More expressed affection in pairwise relationships also marks satisfaction in relationships. Research found that romantic couples who are satisfied with their relationship will be more expressive in showing physical affection.

Sharing affection is not only beneficial at that time. But according to research, a woman who shows physical affection with her loved ones has a positive mood the next day.

That's the benefit of showing affection for your partner. Of course, the list above can be a reference as well as a reflection of how much you and your partner share love.