PSHT Basic Step, One Of The Largest Pencak Silat Organizations In Indonesia

Pencak silat or what is often called silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art in which there is the art of beauty of movement in every move. There are many typical pencak silat streams in each region in Indonesia. However, at this time, pencak silat has become a large organization that has a management structure. One of them is PSHT or the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood. In this article, it will be discussed about the basic moves of PSHT.

This martial art has also been recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of the archipelago. However, pencak silat can also be found in various Asian countries, for example in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, to southern Thailand.

Each country has its own terms in accordance with their local language, such as gay and concave (Malaysia and Singapore), silat (Thailand), and pasilat (Philippines).

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), pencak silat is a game (expert) in defending oneself with several skills, including fending off, attacking and defending yourself using or without weapons.

According to an expert named Boechori Ahmad, pencak silat is a human fitrah to defend himself, while silat is an element that connects movement and thoughts.

There are several pencak silat functions from several points of view, including:

When viewed from the artistic side, in the pencak silat movement, there is harmony and balance between wirama, wirasa, and sports, or rhythmic harmony, technical recitation, and appreciation.

As for the point of view of martial arts, pencak silat utilizes all parts of the body, from the tip of the finger, to the head using a weapon or without a weapon.

Meanwhile, from the point of view of pencak silat education, it provides the ability, skills, and impetus to defend and defend oneself against a threat of danger, both from within and outside, and to ensure harmony with the surrounding world.

The stance of the horses is the basic attitude and initial attitude in pencak silat where certain foot positions are used as the basis for the focus to implement attitudes and movements of attack defense.

The next technique is tidal attitude. This attitude is an alertness to defend or attack patterned and carried out at the beginning and the end of the series of movements.

Arguing attitude is useful for containing or avoiding opposing attacks. There are several attitudes to fend off in pencak silat, such as upper badminton, middle-splits, and external badminton.

Next is the attitude of avoiding, of course, it is useful to avoid attacks by opponents so as not to be hit by damage.

In pencak silat, the blow is done with his bare hands as a component. The various techniques in this martial arts can be used to attack the parts of the opponent's body that are ratified to be attacked and aimed at getting numbers.

Just like a punch, kicks can also be done to attack the opponent's body parts in an effort to get points.

In pencak silat there are various variations and a combination of techniques that can be used. For example, the variation of pencak silat in preparation, implementation, and enrichment.

In the PSHT pencak silat organization, the basic moves given are basically the same as the techniques in the IPSI described above. However, as with other martial arts organizations or institutions, there are several PSHT techniques and moves that can only be learned if someone officially becomes a member or student of PSHT.

There is some material given by a PSHT coach to his students. The materials consist of spiritual lessons (covering ethics, the life view of a warrior, and spirituality), basic gymnastics movements (the movement of pieces from a series of moves), moves, and weapons games.

For weapons play, in PSHT it is taught how to play mandates, machetes, tridents, and toya. In practice, it is also known that the procession is called 'convex' or combat training with fellow members.

That's the review of PSHT's basic moves. One of the largest pencak silat organizations in Indonesia. Visit to get other interesting information.