How Long Is The Funeral Money For Liquid TASPEN? Here Are The Requirements For Advancement For Heirs

YOGYAKARTA - Retired civil servants who died have the right to get Death Funeral Money from Civil Servant Savings and Insurance (TASPEN). The funeral money will be received by their heirs by filing claims to TASPEN. So how long will TASPEN's funeral cost be?

The amount of mourning money to be given is 2 times the pension salary and Death Insurance amounting to Rp. 8 million. The heirs of the retired civil servant concerned need to file a claim to be able to disburse the right.

As a family of retired civil servants, you need to understand how long TASPEN's funeral costs will be and what are the conditions for the submission.

In addition to Old Age Savings (THT) rights, TASPEN is also obliged to distribute Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Security (JKM) insurance. These provisions include the provision of compensation and funeral money for retired civil servants who later died.

Regarding the provision of guarantees, it is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 70 of 2015 which has been amended by PP Number 66 of 2017 concerning amendments to Government Regulation Number 70 of 2015.

The regulation states that TASPEN is responsible for managing the JKM program which provides protection against the risk of death not caused by work accidents. The guarantee provided is in the form of death compensation.

Regarding the management of contributions and reporting on the implementation of the JKM program, it is carried out referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 206/PMK.02/2017 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number: 241/PMK.02/2016.

TASPEN's funeral money will be disbursed when participants have successfully claimed the submission. So how long will the process take for the disbursement of the funeral money after the submission is made by the heirs of the person concerned?

TASPEN explained that the claim will be paid immediately if the submitted file has been verified as a whole. His party added that after filing claims, the heirs or applicants who apply for the disbursement of the funeral money can wait for 2 working days.

Claims for Death Condolences for retired civil servants who died can be made online. So that the submission can be verified properly or more quickly, the applicant or heir must complete the applicable requirements.

The following are the requirements to apply for TASPEN's Funeral Money:

In addition, applicants for mourning money also need to understand the following procedures:

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai berapa uang umum TASPEN cair. Saat akan mengajukan klaim Uang Duka Wafat, pastikan untuk melengkapi persyaratan yang diberlakukan agar proses verifikasi berlangsung secara lancar dan cepat. Baca juga rincian salary PPPK 2024.

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