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JAKARTA - West Bandung Regent Aa Umbara Sutisna (AUS) and her son Andri Wibawa (AW) were immediately detained by investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The father and son were detained after undergoing examination.

Kpk Vice Chairman Nurul Ghufron said the two were detained on suspicion of corruption in the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic at the Social Service of the West Bandung District Government 2020.

"Previously KPK has set AUS and AW together with MTG as suspects and has been announced on April 1, 2021," Ghufron said during a press conference at kpk building, Jakarta, Friday, April 9.

Gufron said investigators detained the two for the first 20 days, from April 9 to April 28.

"AUS is in custody in rutan KPK Branch of the White House; AW was detained in Rutan KPK Kavling C1 Branch," ghufron said.

In anticipation of the spread of COVID-19 in the Rutan KPK environment, the suspects will first conduct self-isolation for 14 days on Rutan KPK Kavling C1.

For information, kpk has established three suspects in the case of alleged corruption in the procurement of emergency response goods for the COVID-19 pandemic disaster at the Social Service of West Bandung Regency, West Java in 2020.

Three suspects, namely The Regent of West Bandung 2018-2023 Aa Umbara Sutisna (AUS), Andri Wibawa from the private party / children of Aa Umbara, and the owner of PT Jagat Dir Gantara (JDG) and CV Sentral Sayuran Garden City Lembang (SSGCL) M Totoh Gunawan (MTG).