Dpr Leaders Ask The Government To Form A Monitoring Task Force Anticipating A New Cluster Of PTM

JAKARTA - Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Azis Syamsuddin asked the Local Government through the Education Office and the Health Office to form a Task Force involving officials to supervise the implementation of health protocols in schools. Later, the task force must conduct patrols and sidak periodically.

Following the information of the evaluation of the Association of Education and Teachers (P2G) to 16 provinces that have conducted Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) limited in January, March, and April 2021. Which shows many violations of health protocols in schools, thus potentially becoming a cluster of COVID-19 spread.

"Dpr expects the local government through the Education Office to crack down firmly on education units and teachers who violate the program. This is to provide a deterrent effect and build discipline to apply prokes during teaching and learning activities," said Azis, Friday, April 9.

The deputy chairman of golkar party also encouraged the Education Office and Health Office to socialize to the education unit that organizes PTM regarding health protocol procedures. As well as informing the infrastructure facilities that must be available to organize PTM.

Specifically to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Azis urged to speed up the implementation of vaccinations for teachers.

"The Ministry of Education must commit to complete vaccinations according to the schedule set, considering that PTM began to be held on a limited basis," explained Azis.

In addition, the government must also selectively open an education unit that will hold limited PTM, by ensuring the readiness of the education unit and its educators before PTM begins. And do not give permission to schools that are not ready infrastructure to hold PTM.

The dpr leadership also appealed to schools, teachers and students who follow PTM limited in schools to implement strict prokes. Namely using a mask, washing hands, and not crowding (3M).

"And we also ask the parents of students to complete the needs of children who will return to school with masks and handsanitizer to minimize contracting the Corona virus," concluded Azis Syamsuddin.