Hit By Storm, 2 Fishermen Sabu Raijua NTT Stranded In Australia
KUPANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sabu Raijua Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, reported that two fishermen with the initials KL and HK were hit by a large wave storm and strong winds. Both are now stranded in Australia.
"There are two fishermen of our area who were reported missing because of the storm, apparently dragged by waves to date reported to be in Australia", said BPBD Chief Executive Sabu Raijua District, NTT, Javid Ndu Ufi quoted Antara, Friday, April 9.
Previously both fishermen were reported missing when extreme weather conditions hit the Sabu Raijua region from March 31 to April 4. In that period there was tropical cyclone Seroja.
But today, local authorities are informed the two fishermen are currently in Australia, local authorities said.
"The acting regent (Official Regent Sabu Raijua Doris Alexander Rihi, red) has been informed and conveyed that both fishermen survived and are now in Australia", continued Javid Ndu.
Javid said it was working to contact relatives in Australia to ascertain the whereabouts of the two fishermen. It will also coordinate with the relevant authorities to repatriate the two fishermen to Sabu Raijua.
"We will check again if it is only two fishermen or there are others. Then it was processed for deportation to Sabu Raijua", Javid said.