AHY: Firmness On ODOL Trucks Must Be From Various Stakeholders
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister (Menko) for Regional Infrastructure and Development Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said that firmness against Over Dimension Overload (ODOL/dimensional and excess charge) vehicles must be from various stakeholders. Not only from the Ministry of Transportation, but from various stakeholders.
"So we want to enforce it so that enforcement of the rules (enforcement) is not only refined by the regulations, but also after that it is applied seriously. There is even reward and punishment that can be understood by all parties, including industry players and the business world. Because once again don't get in the name of efficiency, in the name of cheap and so on, then sacrifice the safety and comfort of road users anywhere," said AHY in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, November 13.
He added that the government is currently looking for and working on good solutions to ODOL vehicles and trucks.
"But we also understand that to ensure good economic growth, we must also find a good solution. Therefore, we continue to discuss this and are being issued further and maybe it can be explained further," he said.
AHY said that he had discussed the issue of trucks and ODOL vehicles with the Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi regarding the enforcement of regulations on trucks and ODOL vehicles.
Trucks and ODOL vehicles often not only interfere but also result in accidents and accidents that do not have a small impact, because no one loses if there are casualties, both drivers and others on major roads and on small roads.
"Not to mention the material losses that are the impact. Therefore, of course we want to organize this seriously. I have conveyed and emphasized that we must not repeat the same mistakes again," said AHY.
On the same occasion, Deputy Minister of Transportation (Wamenhub) Suntana said that from several accidents that occurred, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) also conducted an evaluation. One of them is ODOL vehicles. The Ministry of Transportation under the coordination of the Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure is looking for ways to curb the ODOL problem.
"The consideration is safety and security factors. We will immediately start to be made and carried out by socializing. Indeed, apart from vehicle factors, it is also a human factor. We will try to remind the public to remain disciplined in traffic," said Suntana.