Saiful Mujani Confirms Chat In Group Is Quiet About Fired Poltracking

JAKARTA - Member of the Ethics Council of the Indonesian Public Opinion Survey Association (Persepi), Saiful Mujani openly admitted that the sending of chats in the Internal Persepi WhatsApp group that was dismantled by the Indonesian Poltracking survey agency was him.

This confession seems to show Poltracking is a serious threat to Saiful Mujani.

"Yes, I'm the chat," said Saiful Mujani, who confirmed that he was the figure behind a number of controversial chats circulating in the Internal Persepi WhatsApp group.

In a press conference held on Friday, November 8, Poltracking revealed the contents of a chat showing Saiful Mujani's anxiety about the results of their survey.

"The release of Poltracking is accelerated, we will see what the results are, what are the significant differences with LSI," reads one of Saiful Mujani's chats in the WhatsApp group.

Furthermore, Saiful Mujani in different chats then mentioned the possibility of hearing Poltracking if their survey results differed significantly from LSI.

"The leaks have been circulating, right, 51.6 and 36.4. If it is true, we will try. It has been a long time since I have fired its members," he wrote again.

After Saiful Mujani admitted that the chats were written by him, from that it seemed to strengthen the recent allegations that the members of the Ethics Council played a double role as referees as well as players in the competition of survey institutions.

This fact is also like exposing the fatigue of the Ethics Council and the objectivity of decisions that have been taken against the survey agency of Persepi members.

In terms of the Indonesian Poltracking situation, Saiful Mujani, who played a member of the Persepi Ethics Council in hearing Poltracking and LSI, turned out to have a close relationship with LSI.

As for the official website of LSI, Saiful Mujani is the former Executive Director for the 2005-2010 period and is still active as a senior researcher.

On the one hand, Poltracking, amid this controversy, continues to show its professionalism and integrity by daring to dismantle Persepi's internal chat to prove its commitment to the independence and honesty of the survey, as well as challenging the status quo that has dominated.