Police Will Call 4 Witnesses On Nikita Mirzani's Report, Including Doctors To Deputy PPPA
The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Ary, explained the progress of the case reported by Nikita Mirzani against Vadel Badjideh at the South Jakarta Metro Police.
Ade said that in this investigation stage the investigators would summon 4 witnesses consisting of PPPA to doctors from Bunda Medika Hospital.
"Regarding the progress of the investigation of the case in South Jakarta, the reporter is Sister NM, investigators will summon four witnesses, so in the process of investigating the stages, it has been investigated," said Ade Ary at his office, Tuesday, November 12.
"The four witnesses were, among others, the Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of PPPA, then from the Assistant Deputy for Child Protection of the Ministry of PPPA and also the Deputy. Then there were other witnesses. A doctor from Bunda Medika Hospital," he continued.
Ade added that the summons of the four witnesses was to help find a bright spot regarding the alleged immoral case against Laura Meizani.
"So these witnesses were summoned based on the investigator's consideration to make it clear, yes, to make clear the investigation process," said Ade Ary.
Previously, Nikita Mirzani's attorney, Fahmi Bachmid, said that his party had added new witnesses to his client's report against Vadel Badjideh.
"So my arrival was to convey the presence of witnesses tomorrow, but who is it, for the time being I can't tell you," said Fahmi Bachmid at the South Jakarta Police, Thursday, November 7.
Fahmi said that this new witness stated that there were other parties involved in reporting on Vadel Badjideh.
"Secondly, I will try to convey that there are statements that involve other people. So I hope that development will be carried out to find related parties who are suspected to be part of this issue," explained Fahmi Bachmid.