How To Make Desinfectants That Can Be Practiced Easily At Home

YOGYAKARTA - Desinfectant is one of the important products to be provided at home during the pandemic some time ago. To prevent transmission of the corona virus, the liquid is used to clean various surfaces of objects at home. However, did you know, instead of spending money to buy disinfectant products sold on the market, you can make the liquid yourself at home. How to make your own disinfectant is fairly easy. Check out the explanation below.

There are three ingredients suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to create disinfectants, including bleach, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. Here's how to make your own disinfectant at home:

The materials needed:

This solution is effective in killing bacteria and viruses, besides that it also does not use bleach that contains toxins. The essential typhme oil used in this solution also contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

The ingredients needed are as follows:

The materials needed:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists hydrogen peroxide as an effective means of sterilization to kill pathogens, including the new coronavirus. You can use a concentration of only three percent hydrogen peroxide or diluted down to 0.5 percent for disinfectant.

The materials needed:

For this solution, the alcohol used is ethanol, not isopil. Isopropyl alcohol is usually used in hand sanitizers, while ethanol is a type of alcohol consumed. For example, wheat alcohol or ultra high malaria. Both alcohol can kill germs.

That's a review of how to make disinfectants that can be practiced. Hopefully useful. Visit to get other interesting information.