Bappenas: The Implementation Of The JKN Program From BPJS Kesehatan Must Be Reflected In Field Practices
JAKARTA - Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas Rachmat Pambudy conveyed that the implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program from the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS) must be reflected in practice in the field, not just in numbers.
"BPJS which is so good must also be reflected, not only in numbers, not only in data, but in practice in the field," said Rachmat, quoted from Antara, Monday, November 11.
He said this in the Launch of the Indonesian Population Morbidity Table Book and the Seminar on the Achievement of Universal Health Coverage at the Bappenas Building, Jakarta, Monday.
Before attending this seminar, he met with the Deputy for Population and Manpower of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Maliki and Expert Staff for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas), Bahjuri Ali.
He asked his staff for an explanation regarding the complete picture of the sustainability of the BPJS Health program and how it relates to the quality of Indonesian public health, both good and bad information.
"So far, I've heard good things, which are not good, or bad. I've heard everything. Because I'm still new, the fastest information I've got is from the staff here. I was a bit angry, why is BPJS so important, the role is so big, on the one hand it gets appreciation, on the other hand it also gets the opposite," he said.
Rachmat gave an example related to BPJS Kesehatan services regarding the JKN program from his friend who works as a lecturer. The service provided to the lecturer is said to be good, obtains convenience in administration because it only needs to show an Identity Card (KTP), and does not need to pay for health costs.
On the other hand, if the JKN participants are a household assistant class or a security unit (security guard), then he must pay a certain amount of health costs.
"I just went through a security guard whose son had to have a fault operation, because it was not yet time to give birth, he had to be born. I can't delay it, it concerns the safety of the people closest to me," said the Head of Bappenas.
After obtaining an explanation from the President Director of BPJS Kesehatan Ghufron Mukti, that the number of JKN participants had reached 276.52 million people or 98.19 percent of the total population of Indonesia, he gave a focus on around 50 million participants who were not actively paying BPJS Kesehatan contributions.
These inactive participants mean they have paid, but suddenly for certain reasons, they have to stop issuing funds for health insurance fees.
According to Rachmat, one way to deal with the issue of participant in the JKN program is to take advantage of the big data owned by BPJS Kesehatan.
Earlier I received an explanation, BPJS has big data, has data time series. BPJS also applies artificial intelligence," said the Minister of VAT.
"I deliberately asked to participate in this seminar, at least staff who have expertise in artificial intelligence were present. I deliberately asked Mrs. Sesmen (Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Teni Widuriyanti) to add one deputy who takes care of digital transformation. I will first apply it to BPJS. If BPJS is really good, I will report it directly to President Prabowo Subianto. But if it is bad, you will be the result," he said.