National Police Chief Affirms Police Netrality In Pilkada, Four Police Sanctioned

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated the commitment to Koprs Bhayangkara's neutrality in the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada). As evidenced by the sanctions of four members because they are not neutral.
"We have taken action against two Polri personnel who committed violations related to neutrality, both from now on there are two personnel from North Sulawesi and two personnel from South Sulawesi," said Sigit in a meeting with Commission III of the DPR, Monday, November 11.
In addition, to maintain the neutrality of the National Police, Sigit also asked all parties not to hesitate to report any members of the Bhayangkara Corps who committed violations.
The National Police is open in this regard, so that the police who violate can immediately follow up
"Of course, if there are reports related to violations committed by members, please continue, whether in Propam, whether in Bawaslu or other places that have been prepared in order to follow up," he said.
On the other hand, Sigit also emphasized that he had reminded all his staff regarding neutrality. The trick, by issuing a telegaram letter or STR.
"We have repeatedly conveyed related to the rules in Article 28 of Law number 2 concerning the prohibition against the Police to follow practical politics and neutrality, we have also made telegram letters," he said.
All members of the National Police have also been briefed on neutrality in the National Coordination Meeting of the Central Government some time ago.
"Agreements with Bawaslu have also been carried out and in every activity, of course, we also continue to remind, including kmrn, when carrying out the National Coordination Meeting together with the Ministry of Home Affairs which was attended by the Forkopimda, both attended by the Acting Governor, Regent, TNI-Polri from the Kapolda to the Police Chief from Pangdam to the Dandim," said Sigit.