Food For Lambung Luka: Here Are Recommendations And What Must Be Avoided

YOGYKARTA - Overcoming wounds or stomach hatchlings is not just reducing symptoms, but also speeding up healing by choosing the right food. One of the important strategies is to eat certain foods that can help reduce inflammation and increase the stomach protection layer.

Here are some types of food for the stomach of the wound that can speed up healing for people with stomach hatchlings.

1. High Food Serut Air

Foods rich in soluble fiber, such as apples, priors, carrots, and foammeals, are very useful for reducing the acidity of the stomach. Soluble water fiber helps lower bile acid and slows down the process of emptying the stomach. In addition, this food provides a protective layer for the stomach walls that are injured, so that it can reduce stomach pain and bloating.

2. Rich Food Vitamin A

Sources of vitamin A, such as broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach, are very good for stomach health. Vitamin A plays a role in increasing mucus production that protects the stomach walls. Sufficient mucus levels are important to prevent the formation of new wounds in the stomach, so eating foods rich in vitamin A can help speed up healing.

3. Probiotic High Food

Probiotics, such as low-fat yogurt, tempeh, and miso, contain good bacteria that can help reduce Helicobacter pylori infection, a bacteria that often causes stomach hatchlings. In addition, probiotics help reduce inflammation due to wounds in the stomach and increase endurance.

4. Rich Food Flavonoid

Flavonoids are antioxidants found in plants, such as carrots, broccoli, peat, and soybeans. This content is useful in inhibiting H. pylori growth, reducing inflammation, and increasing the protective coating of the stomach. flavonoid intake also helps prevent damage to the stomach walls due to the use of antinyeri drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol.

5. Rich Food Vitamin C

High Vitamin C, such as broccoli, cabbage, peppers, and potatoes, helps accelerate wound healing and prevent bleeding in the stomach. This vitamin also plays a role in fighting bacteria H. pylori, so it is important to include foods rich in vitamin C in diets for people with stomach hatchlings.

6. Food Containing Sulforafana

Sulforafana, an antioxidant compound found in broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, water lettuce, and mustard fruit, is useful for reducing inflammation and protecting stomach cells from damage caused by free radicals. A study shows that consuming half a cup of broccoli every day for two months can reduce the H.pylori bacteria in the stomach, so that it is good for healing the wound hull.

Foods To Avoid When Tukak Lambung

To support healing, some types of food need to be avoided because they can worsen symptoms and slow down the recovery process.

Foods such as fried foods, full cream milk, and coconut milk need to be avoided. Fat is difficult to digest and can increase the production of stomach fluids, which can cause irritation to the stomach and exacerbate wounds.

Hot foods contain capsaicin which can irritate the stomach. Patients with stomach hatchlings should avoid chilies and other spicy foods so as not to worsen symptoms.

Foods that are acidic, such as foods that are given vinegar, oranges, and tomatoes, can increase the acidity of the stomach fluid. This can cause irritation and worsen the wound on the stomach.

Caffeine in coffee can increase gastric liquid production and cause irritation. In addition, alcohol can damage the protective coating of the stomach, increasing the risk of inflammation, wounds, and even bleeding in the stomach. Therefore, avoiding coffee and alcohol is highly recommended.

Excessive salt consumption can damage the stomach wall layer, making it susceptible to H.pylori bacterial infections. It is better to reduce salt consumption to speed up the healing process.

Dark chocolate contains high caffeine and fat, which can increase the production of stomach fluids and exacerbate irritation on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, black chocolate should be avoided by people with stomach hatchlings.

In the process of healing the stomach hatchling, it is important to regulate diets and avoid foods that can worsen conditions. Consumption of the right food can help speed up wound healing and prevent further inflammation.

In addition, you can also apply the Sleep Position for Lambung Asam Patients as a healing reference.

So after knowing the food for the stomach wound, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!