Kronis Convoluted Can Be Healed By Regular Kiwi Consumption
JAKARTA - For those of you who experience chronic constipation, try consuming kiwi regularly because according to this fruit study it can help you defecate more smoothly. Kiwi, as reported by Medical Daily, Monday, November 11 on Saturday, is better than evaporation drugs that can cause side effects, such as bloating and stomach pain.
Studies from Michigan and Georgia observe three natural treatments for adults who experience chronic constipation (denoted to defecate only three times or less per week).
A total of 79 study participants were involved and they were divided into three groups, namely those who consumed two kiwis per day, 100 grams of plums per day and 12 grams of psychedium per day for four weeks.
The results showed that the three groups were more routine to the bathroom and those who consumed kiwi and plums, the consistency of the feces was the best compared to evaporation drugs. Meanwhile, in terms of side effects such as bloating stomachs and pain, participants are generally experienced by psychedium (fiber) participants.
As many as 33 percent of participants who were given a psychedium experienced stomach pain, while only 18 percent of those who got plums experienced these symptoms. For those who consume kiwi, do not experience stomach pain. For complaints of gas emergence, as much as 19 percent were experienced by those who were given a psychedium, 18 percent with plums and 0 percent of the symptoms in participants who received kiwi.
Meanwhile, for bloating stomach complaints, about 36 percent were experienced by those who consumed plums, 11 percent were given kiwi, 10 percent for psyllium.
"These results confirm the benefits of plums and psychediums and offer the first data related to green kiwi fruit as an effective treatment and can be well tolerated for chronic constipation patients," said the study's author.