Prabowo's Mainstay Program Will Involve Cooperatives And BUMDes
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives (Kemenkop), the Ministry of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Kemendes PDT), and the National Nutrition Agency (BGN) launched mutual cooperation in the Free Nutrition Eating Program (MBG).
This program is the flagship of the Prabowo-Gibran Government. MBG not only focuses on improving children's nutrition, but also encourages the economic growth of the people in rural areas.
Minister of Cooperatives Budi Arie Setiadi stated that one of the roles of cooperatives later is the provision of milk which is an important component in MBG.
"Indonesia's milk operation has enormous potential, so it needs to be organized and given investment in the form of quality milk processing tools," he said in a statement to the media, Wednesday, November 6.
Budi added, for now, the Indonesian dairy cooperative has only reached the pasteurization stage, while eating nutritious requires a process up to UHT.
"Later we will tour, if anyone needs capital strengthening, there is a Cooperative LPDB that is ready to finance cooperatives through revolving funds," Budi added.
Budi also ensured that there were many quality milk cooperatives, such as in Lembang, Subang, Garut, Malang, Pujon, to Boyolali.
Deputy Village Minister of PDT Ahmad Riza Patria expressed his support. He is ready to coordinate with the Kemenkop and BGN.
"We will prepare everything and direct the scattered BUMDes, in collaboration with cooperatives regarding the distribution of basic commodities for free nutritious eating programs," he said.
Just so you know, the Ministry of Villages has built 75,265 villages and around 20,367 BUMDes and half of the BUMDes are engaged in the food sector.
Head of BGN Dadan Hindayana stated that MBG focuses on establishing nutritional service units throughout Indonesia. There are around 30 thousand units, mostly in Java Island.
"This service unit will serve as a local product taker, with 85 percent of the funds being used to buy local agricultural raw materials," he said.
Dadan gave an example of the implementation of MBG in Warungkiara, Sukabumi. This 10-month pilot project has absorbed many local workers. Cooperatives and BUMDes play an important role in this program. They coordinate farmers and rural communities to grow the vegetables needed by the service unit.