Lawyer Rizieq Shihab's Confession Brings Sharp Weapons: Heirloom Objects Of Supernatural Power

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Alamsyah Hanafiah called the sharp weapons in the form of machetes and badik stored in his car an heirloom. The sharp weapon is said to have supernatural powers.
"The goal is that heirloom objects that have supernatural powers", The Deputy head Criminal Investigation Unit of East Jakarta Metro Police Kompol Suwardi told VOI, Thursday, April 8.
The confession was conveyed by Alamsyah to the police while undergoing examination some time ago. The same reason was also conveyed by AS Alamsyah's driver.
Because it is considered an heirloom, Alamsyah believes machetes and badik can protect him. Meanwhile, this case of sharp weapons storage is still being investigated by the police.
"It's still an investigation", Kompol Suwardi said.
Previously Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Alamsyah Hanafiah justified the possession of a sharp weapon that was in his car. But Alamsyah insists the sharp weapon was only used to cut mangoes.
"It does exist to cut mangoes, there are sharp weapons there", Rizieq Shihab's lawyer Alamsyah told reporters Friday, March 26.
Not only used to cut mangoes, but the two sharp weapons called lawyer Rizieq Shihab were also used to cut the cables - the car's electrification cables. Sharp weapons according to Alamsyah have long been stored in the car.
"That's our preparation if the cables break and so on. If it's not wrong it's like a knife", he said.
The sharp weapon was found in Alamsyah Hanafiah's car on Friday, March 26, morning. The police car number B 2049 UBG is driven by a man with the initials AS.
"The confession of the witness or the driver (sharp weapon) is already in the car. So at the moment, we are exploring who owns both evidence in the investigation", said The Head Criminal Investigation Unit of East Jakarta Metro Police Kompol Indra Tarigan, Friday, March 26.