Kompas Research And Development Survey Results, Pramono-Rano's Electability Wins In Baby Boomers And Generation X Voters
JAKARTA - The candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of Jakarta number 3, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno received significant support from the baby boomers generation voters (58-76 years) and Generation X (44-57 years). This was revealed in the latest survey by Litbang Kompas which was released on Tuesday 5 November.
This survey discusses cross-tabulation data that groups electability based on the generation or age of voters. This survey was conducted between 20 and 25 October 2024, using a face-to-face interview method against 800 randomly selected respondents through graded systematic injection, with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of ~3.46%.
In the generation group baby boomers 25.7% of respondents chose candidate pair number 1, Ridwan Kamil and Suswono. While 0% support candidate pair number 2, Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana. Paslon number 3, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno, received 36.5% support, while 37.8% of respondents stated they did not know or had not made a choice.
Meanwhile, from the X generation group, 33.1% of respondents voted for RK-Suswono. Support for Dharma-Kun was recorded at 2.1%, while 41.1% voted for Pramono-Rano. Around 23.7% of respondents stated they did not know or had not made a choice.
Based on voters from generation Y or millennials (madya, 36-43 years), 27.5% of respondents chose Ridwan Kamil and Suswono. Support for Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana, by 5.9%, and Pramono Anung and Rano Karno (Doel) received 45.1% support. 21.5% of respondents said they did not know or had not made a choice.
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Of the voter groups aged 28-35 years (young Y generation), 40.1% of respondents chose RK-Suswono. Support for candidate pair number 2, Dharma-Kun is only 2.7%, while 36.7% chose Pramono Anung and Rano Karno. Around 20.5% of respondents have not made a choice.
Ridwan Kamil-Suswono also excels in the generation of Z voters (under 28 years), with the support of respondents at 40.6%. Support for Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana, reached 4.2%, while 31.3% chose candidate pair number 3, Pramono Anung and Rano Karno. A total of 23.9% of respondents also stated that they did not know or had not made a choice.