The Mayor's Office Is Too Low, Gibran Rakabuming Projected To Be A Capres

JAKARTA - Political observer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia Andriadi Achmad, assessed the chances of President Joko Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, are very large in the political scene.

In fact, according to him, the position of mayor of Solo is still too low considering Gibran is a crown prince.

"As crown prince, Gibran should have gone directly to the central level, whether a member of the House of Representatives or Pilgub Jakarta or Pilgub Jateng. So the position of taking the mayor, I think is still low as crown prince," Andriadi told VOI on Thursday, April 8.

Looking at Jokowi's track record, continued Andriadi, the former mayor of Solo has paved the way for regional heads to be able to directly become presidential candidates. Because before, the annexation still includes figures in the ring one Palace.

"Jokowi opens a new map of Indonesian politics. From the mayor, then the governor and then the president. All this time to be president from the center aja, for example the minister or commander in chief," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the Political Communication Studies and Research Centre (PolCom SRC) said, Gibran is projected to follow in Jokowi's footsteps in the next few years. Jan Ethes's father, he said, could raise his level of leadership at the provincial level as governor of Central Java.

"Gibran, most likely he followed in his father's footsteps, maybe different grooves. So now that he's the mayor then can be the governor of central Java, not necessarily Jakarta," said Andriadi.

Andriadi understands, 2024 is too soon for Gibran to taste the presidential contest. However, Kaesang Pangarep's brother already has the capital to be the leader of the millennials where he is currently the chairman of knpi.

"If Jokowi wants momentum (Presidential Election 2024) faster yes (can). And if the parliament can support because the parliament is 20 percent. He was plotted to become chairman of the KNPI as a stepping stone. I think Gibran if not 2024 could be 2034. That's political destiny yes may need to be prepared," said the observer from Bengkulu.

According to him, Gibran could be more likely if Jokowi's influence continues to become the chairman of pdip. Even Gibran could be 'The Next Jokowi'.

"Megawati is looking for a figure to replace internally and externally. Externally one of them Jokowi if released from the president. If Jokowi holds a political boat whether it is PDIP or otherwise of course Gibran can be a candidate who will be carried out in the future," said Andriadi.

Therefore, Andriadi reaffirmed that gibran will not close the possibility that he will be released to the Palace.

"So it's only natural that Gibran becomes president, his father is president. It's not natural that he's not going to be anything, there's no regeneration," he said.

Tag: joko widodo nasional nusantara politik gibran rakabuming raka