Know The Wife Of The Judge's Bribery, The Attorney General's Office Opens Opportunities For Ronald Tannur's Father To Be A Suspect

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) is considering the possibility of examining Edward Tannur, the defendant Ronald Tannur's father, regarding the alleged bribery case that led to acquittal in the case of severe abuse that ensnared his son.

It is known that Ronald Tannur's mother, Merizka Widjaja (MW) has been named a suspect in the alleged bribery case related to the acquittal.

"MW has been named a suspect. Furthermore, we will investigate whether there are other parties involved. We will ask for information regarding anyone involved in this corruption case," explained the Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus), Abdul Qohar, at a press conference at the Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, Monday, November 4 evening.

According to Qohar, the deepening of this case will explore the extent of the involvement of related parties, including Edward Tannur.

"As long as there is sufficient evidence, anyone involved in this crime will be held accountable," he continued.

Qohar also said that Edward Tannur, a member of the DPR, was suspected of knowing about the bribery attempt by his wife, Meirizka Widjaja, along with lawyer Ronald Tannur with the initials LR.

"According to the current information, Edward knows that his wife communicated and asked for help from LR regarding the Ronald Tannur case," said Qohar.

However, Qohar explained that Edward did not know the amount of money his wife had given LR.

"Edward doesn't know the amount, because as an entrepreneur, he rarely is in Surabaya," he explained.

In this case, Meirizka Widjaja was charged with bribing him for acquittal in the case of severe abuse that ensnared Ronald Tannur in connection with the persecution of Dini Sera Afriyanti.

Initially, MW appointed LR as Ronald's legal adviser because the two had known each other for a long time because their children were studying in the same place. Meirizka visited LR twice to discuss her son's case.

According to Qohar, LR informed MW that there were costs' for the case management and actions that needed to be taken.

In the follow-up, LR asked for help from the suspect Zarof Ricar (ZR) to be introduced to an official at the Surabaya District Court (PN) to determine the panel of judges who will handle Ronald Tannur's case.

LR and MW also agreed that the cost of handling Ronald's case would be borne by MW, and if LR bail out the fee first, MW will replace it later.

"In every request for funds, LR always asks for MW's approval and convinces MW to provide funds so that Ronald Tannur's case can be released by the panel of judges," he added.

During the case process at the Surabaya District Court, MW has handed over funds of Rp. 1.5 billion to LR in stages. In addition, LR also bailed out part of the case costs of up to a total of Rp. 3.5 billion, which according to LR was handed over to the panel of judges handling the case.

The panel of judges, namely ED (Erituah Damanik), HH (Heru Hanindyo), and M (Mangapul), have now also been named suspects for allegedly accepting bribes from LR.

As a result of his actions, Meirizka Widjaja was charged with Article 5 paragraph (1) or Article 6 paragraph (1) Letter A in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 and Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meirizka is now being held for 20 days at the Class I Rutan in Surabaya Branch of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office.