New Steps, Kemkomdigi Immediately Disbursed A List Of Blocked Online Gambling Sites

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs (Kemkomdigi) has taken new steps to reveal online gambling sites (judols) that have been blocked as evidence of transparency to the public in eradicating judol in Indonesia.

The list can later be checked and checked directly by the public as proof that websites related to online gambling have actually been cut off access by the Ministry of Communication and Industry.

"There will be daily reports, they will be updated every day," said Director General of Applications and Information (Dirjen APTIKA) of the Ministry of Communication and Trade, Hokky Situngkir, at the Office of the Ministry of Communication and Industry, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

Hokky said that so far, in fact, his party already has a special website called Trust Positive to prove public reporting that the closure of access to negatively charged websites has been followed up.

However, what specifically shows that online gambling sites have been closed, access is not yet available. Even when checked, the Trust Positive website shows the entire list of websites of various types of negative content such as pornography, online gambling, SARA and others.

Therefore, to show specifically the commitment of the Ministry of Communication and Digigi in eradicating online gambling and closing access to access, the government will finally prepare a separate list for handling websites related to online gambling.

Hokky said the list of names of the closed websites would begin to be announced to the public this week.

"Earlier there was an instruction from the Minister, it will be made in the form of a release, maybe yes. So friends of reporters, journalists can see it too," said Hokky.

The steps taken by the Ministry of Communication and Digigi under the leadership of Meutya Hafid in eradicating online gambling and releasing a list of website sites whose access has been closed to the public have also received appreciation from cybersecurity experts.

One of the cybersecurity experts who approved this public information transparency system was Alfons Tanujaya who is also known as the Chairman of the Komtap Cyber Security Awareness of the National ICT Entrepreneurs Association (Apticnas).

Alfons said this method is more effective because people can be directly involved in taking a role in controlling and supervising the running of online gambling eradication.

"I believe in a system like that to carry out controlling rather than making an audit team, what to do. It's useless to get cold later. But if all the lists are controlled by the community, it will be more difficult to get wind again. We are grateful, this Minister supports and is very supportive of this transparency," said Alfons.