Here's How To Enable And Disable Voice Chat Features In Roblox Games
JAKARTA - The Voice Chat feature is a feature that allows players to communicate with other players in the Roblox game, which is believed to be similar to communication in the physical world.
Voice chats are currently available to all 13+ age players whose phone numbers are already verified in the US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Mexico, Mexico, Colombia, Mexico, and many more.
How to activate Voice Chat?
Applicable users aged 13 and over must first verify phone number or ID to view the voice chat option on their Privacy Settings page.
For information, the voice chat feature is not enabled by default. So, to enable voice chat, follow the following steps:
You can turn off voters at any time to disable voice chats. Well, to disable the voice chat feature, follow the instructions below:
The switch button will change from green to gray, which indicates that the voice chat has been disabled for your account.