Japanese Women's Ala Diet Secret: Dare To Try?

YOGYAKARTA - Japan is known as a country with a long life expectancy. This is closely related to the healthy lifestyle adopted by the Japanese people. Based on a study conducted by The Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota, Japan has a very low percentage of obesity, only about 3.6 percent. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, is one of the main factors that support the health and fitness of the Japanese people.
Naomi Moriyama, author of the Japanese Women's book Don't Get Old or Fat, describes various methods made by Japanese women to maintain their health and body shape. The book outlines the ways that women in Japan use in choosing food and regulating their daily diet.
Some of them are eating habits in small portions, selecting healthy snacks, and applying a diet rich in nutrients. This Japanese women-style diet is considered to be one of the main reasons why they can maintain a proportional body shape and rarely experience obesity. Here are some of the ways applied on Japanese women's diets.
1. Don't eat until Kenyang
One of the main principles in a Japanese women's diet is to stop eating before feeling too full. Japanese women will not eat food until they feel completely full.
If they feel enough, they will immediately stop eating. Naomi Moriyama mentioned that they usually eat small portions of food and chew slowly. The goal is that they can enjoy and appreciate every taste and texture of the food they eat, so that satisfaction with eating is achieved without the need to eat too much food.
2. Not Consuming Milk and Roti
In daily life, milk and bread are not part of staple foods that are often consumed by Japanese women. They prefer protein sources such as beef or chicken compared to dairy products.
For breakfast, the menu consumed usually consists of rice, eggs or fish, vegetables, miso soup, fruits, and green tea. This habit makes them avoid consuming additional high-fat and sugar foods that are often found in milk and bread.
3. Closed Food in Small Portion
Although not always avoiding desserts, Japanese women tend to choose fruits as desserts. If they occasionally want to eat cake or cake, they will take a very small portion.
It aims to enjoy sweet tastes without having to eat excessive sugar. In this way, they can still enjoy desserts but maintain a healthy diet.
4. Types of food that are regularly consumed
Japanese women-style diets generally cover seven groups of nutrient-rich foods. These food groups include:
5. Physical activity through footways
Special exercise may not always be done by Japanese women. However, since childhood they were taught to adopt an active lifestyle, such as walking, up and down stairs, and using bicycles to travel. In addition to saving quite expensive parking costs, this habit is part of physical activity that is beneficial for health.
With these various habits, the Japanese women's diet focuses not only on healthy foods, but also on an active lifestyle and a balanced diet. The combination of nutritious food consumption and physical activity helps them keep their bodies proportional and optimal health, so they can live longer and healthier.
Talking about the Japanese diet, you can also learn the Blue Zone Diet and how to Apply it
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