Beware Of Lung Tuberculosis, Recognize The Causes, Symptoms, And Prevention
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB pulmonary) is still a serious health problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Modern lifestyles and current environmental conditions, such as urban density, air pollution, and decreased mental health quality, have played a role in increasing the risk of spreading this infectious disease.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB pulmonary) is a disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis which mainly attacks the lung organs and can be transmitted by air.
Given the high rate of transmission, early detection of pulmonary TB symptoms is important to prevent the spread and start treatment as soon as possible.
"The transmission occurs through droplets or small particles in the air that are released by sufferers when coughing or sneezing," explained the lung & respiratory specialist from Eka Hospital Bekasi, dr. Buti Ariani Arnur, SpP during his media gathering in Bekasi, recently.
People who are exposed to TB bacteria will not immediately suffer from their illness, but people with low immune system have a higher risk of developing pulmonary TB disease. Therefore, people suspected of suffering from TB need to be aware of some of their symptoms.
There are several pulmonary TB symptoms that need to be watched out for, here are the full reviews.
1. The prolonged cough that lasts more than two weeks and is difficult to subside is one of the main signs of pulmonary TB. This cough is usually persistent, and in some cases, it can be accompanied by blood. If you have a prolonged cough that doesn't heal, you should immediately see a doctor.
2. Weight loss, pulmonary TB often experiences drastic weight loss. This is due to a decrease in appetite and the high body energy needed to fight infection.
3. The continuous prolonged fever, especially in the afternoon and evening, is a common symptom of pulmonary TB. This fever is usually not too high, but occurs over a long period of time.
4. Night sweat is also another characteristic symptom of excessive sweating at night even though the temperature is not hot. This condition often occurs along with a mild fever that lasts a long time.
5. Pulmonary TB sufferers often feel tired for no apparent reason, even if they do not do severe physical activity. Bodies that continue to fight infections in the long term often cause this fatigue.
"The sooner the pulmonary TB is detected, the sooner the treatment can be started. Late-treated pulmonary TB can spread to other organs, such as bones, brains, or kidneys, causing more severe complications," he said.
The provision of the BCG Vaccine to the Baby Vaccination of the Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is effective in providing protection against TB in infants and is highly recommended to be given early on.
Maintaining cleanliness and Ventilation of environmental Hygiene and good air circulation are important factors to prevent the spread of TB bacteria. Avoid closed rooms that are less ventilation, especially in densely populated environments.
Routine Examination for Families with TB History If there are family members who are diagnosed with TB, it is recommended that all other family members undergo examinations to detect infections early.
Consistency in the treatment of pulmonary TB generally takes about six months. It is very important for patients to complete the treatment to completion even though the symptoms have improved to prevent drug resistance.
Tuberculosis treatment is carried out by taking antituberculosis drugs within a certain period of time and requires supervision of medical personnel.
If you or people around you experience symptoms similar to pulmonary TB, immediately consult a doctor. Discipline in undergoing treatment is very important to prevent drug resistance that can worsen the patient's condition.
"Early detection until the treatment of pulmonary TB requires consistency and patience, because in treatment it must take up to 6 to 9 months to really recover," he concluded.