Tips For Choosing Cellphone Selling Words On Facebook To Find Buyers Quickly
YOGYAKARTA Facebook is one of the social media that has a marketplace feature. There are many items that are usually offered through the Facebook marketplace, one of which is cellphones (HP). If you plan to sell or search for cellphones on Facebook, just type the keyword you want. Because the words selling cellphones on Facebook also determine many things.
As a seller, the keywords used in the FB marketplace will help products sell faster. Meanwhile, in terms of buyers, keywords help find cellphones sold as desired.
Facebook does free its users to include any keywords that describe its selling items. Usually the words used by HP sellers in FB are quite diverse. Here are examples of words for selling cellphones via FB.
Selling Aja Cheap Hp
New Condition Fullset Complete Guarantee
[said type HP and price]
Super Smooth Seals Are Ready To Enter Home
Selling personal cellphones just this time someone is interested
iPhone [said the type and short features]
All operators
Truetone off
batre -
Used personal use but cellphones are still good at bett, there are no obstacles or functionally minus
[said the price]
skip if you feel too expensive / fund not up to
plok. South Jakarta
Sold for Redmi's 12 fullset ram 8+8/128gb Safe No constraints Still smooth There's a camera 0.5 super
Open the price of 1,650 can negotiate. Need fast funds, whose interest can be hub wa: 089xxxxxxxx
Let's immediately have an iPhone 13 256 ibox
Smoothly, Fullset complete, No minus
Get bonus case and Antigores
Just negotiate
Sold For Redmi 10c 4/128
680 snap
Selling or TT
Location : Ngadirojo, Yogyakarta
For those of you who plan to sell HP in the FB marketplace, there are several tips for compiling words to make them more attractive and easier to find by buyers, namely as follows.
It is highly recommended to include important information related to HP which will be sold through a product description. However, information must be written briefly, concisely, and clearly. Avoid writing information that is too long.
Although FB has a Messenger feature, the average serious buyer prefers to contact the seller directly via the WhatsApp number. If you don't want to use a personal number, you can include a second number for the transaction.
You can include unique keywords commonly used among Facebook users. This unique keyword is like an office gift, it needs money, it's cheap to budget, and so on.
That's information related to the word selling cellphones on Facebook. Visit to get other interesting information.