Even Though It's April Fools' Day, Jaejoong JYJ Shouldn't Make Positive Jokes Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Jaejoong from the JYJ group wrote via his Instagram account today, Thursday, April 1, that he has contracted the corona virus. He admitted that this was due to his negligence in ignoring government regulations. It is known, at this time he was still in Japan.

“A person's behavior has a huge impact on the industry as a whole. I apologize to those affected because of me, ”he wrote in the Instagram caption. The former TVXQ member then reported that he was undergoing treatment.

His agency, CJes Entertainment, tried to confirm this news because Jaejoong was in Japan. But apparently, Jaejoong's upload is only part of April Fools' Day. Several hours later, he changed the caption to a long text that read:

“How did someone we love, someone special, catch the virus? Very painful. Despite this, many people were still out on the streets and living unsecured. Ignored… and thought this wouldn't happen to them. ”

"Currently, the increase in the positive number of the corona virus among my relatives and industry representatives has increased. Take care of yourself now. That's what I said to myself," he continued.

Jaejoong also said that he was ready to accept all the punishments related to his fake upload while wishing his fans the best. "I wish you all well."

Currently, the upload has been deleted, but Jaejoong's name immediately occupies the trending topic on Twitter. Yes, although Jaejoong's intention is part of an effort to make the public aware of the dangers of the corona virus, a joke like this should not be made by a public figure.

One of the netizens wrote that Jaejoong's jokes described as if no one knew about corona. In fact, this virus has claimed thousands of lives worldwide.

To date, cases of corona in South Korea alone have reached 9 thousand cases. Even though it has decreased from before and the community has started to carry out their activities as usual, mass tests are still being carried out.

And more importantly. Even though today is April Fool's Day, the issue of corona should not be used as a joke.