GP Ansor Regarding Suswono's Reluctant: This Is Blasphemy, Not An Election Violation

JAKARTA - Reports from the Betawi Community Organization Rise about the joke of the candidate for Deputy Governor of Jakarta momor 1 Suswono not being accepted by Polda Metro Jaya. The police directed that the report be addressed to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu).
Suswono's joke to be reported is proposing a wealthy widow to marry an unemployed young man. Then, Suswono also linked the story of the Prophet Muhammad to Siti Khadijah from a previous statement.
This is unfortunate by the Secretary of the Regional Management (PW) GP Ansor DKI Jakarta Sulton Mu'minah. Sulton assessed that Suswono's levy was not an alleged election or pikkada violation.
"We consider this not a violation of the election, this is a matter of blasphemy. So we also regret that the Regional Police rejected the report made by the Betawi mass organization," said Sulton in his statement, Wednesday, October 30.
Currently, Suswono has apologized through a video description uploaded to his personal Instagram account, Pak_suswono. Suswono has also withdrawn his statement.
However, Sulton still asked Suswono to apologize directly and openly to the public. Sulton also emphasized that his party was still reviewing it so that it could still report Suswono to the police.
"Our LBH (law) team is reviewing so that the report can be received at Polda Metro Jaya or at Bareskrim Polri Headquarters," said Sulton.
For information, the joke was conveyed by Suswono when holding a meeting with Bang Japar volunteers at the Nyi Ageng Serang Building, South Jakarta, Saturday, October 26.
Initially, Suswono revealed that he and the prospective Governor of Jakarta Ridwan Kamil would add a social assistance program for the DKI Provincial Government in the form of cards for orphans.
However, Suswono emphasized that this aid card was only intended for residents with lower or poor economic groups. While joking, Suswono also proposed that rich widows who did not enter as recipients of aid actually help by marrying unemployed youths.
"Is there a widow card or not? I make sure that there must be a poor widow. But when a rich widow asks for a card too? I suggest a rich widow please marry an unemployed young man," said Suswono.
Hal seperti ini, menurut dia, pernah dilakukan oleh istri pertama Nabi Muhammad, Khadijah binti Khuwailid.
"Remember Khadijah or not? Tau Khadijah right? He's a conglomerate. Who is married? Ya Nabi. At that time he was not a Prophet. Still 25 years old, right? Well, that's an example of being rich," he added.
Later, Suswono apologized for his statement which caused a polemic about the proposal for a rich widow to marry an unemployed young man like the story of the Prophet Muhammad and his wife, Khadijah.
"Saya menyadari bahwa pernyataan saya dalam pertemuan dengan relawan Bang Japar telah menimbulkan polemik, atas hal itu saya minta maaf, sekaligus mencabut pernyataan tersebut," ujar Suswono dalam keterangannya, Senin, 28 Oktober.