Meeting With Minister Of Transportation Dudy, Erick Thohir Discusses Logistics Fee Efficiency In The Transportation Sector

As for the visit, Erick also brought the Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, and Deputy Minister of SOEs Dony Oskaria.

Erick said that so far Indonesia has been able to reduce logistics costs by 13 to 14 percent. However, continued Erick, this figure is still high compared to other countries.

"Therefore, according to President Prabowo's direction to support the food, energy and downstream program, I will continue to coordinate with the Minister of Transportation today so that the costs can be reduced again," he said at the Ministry of Transportation Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29.

Erick said the progress made by state-owned companies engaged in transportation, such as InJourney Airports, the merger of Pelindo, KAI, and Jasa Marga, was optimistic that national logistics costs could continue to be gradually reduced.

"We also want to increase the integration of transportation modes and supporting infrastructure so as to be able to improve services and increase visits, both local and international tourists," he said.

In addition, Erick said that ahead of the end of the 2024 holidays, the Ministry of SOEs and the Ministry of Transportation had best practices to anticipate a surge in tourism during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"This means that we have done the best practice, now we just have to continue to improve small things, such as cleanliness, smoothness, and order so that there is no buildup or crowd. That's what we need to anticipate. If the infrastructure, in my opinion, is ready and neater so that people can vacation smoothly and comfortably," he explained.

Erick explained that the Ministry of SOEs and Transportation agreed to continue to improve services to the community by continuing to cut waste and corruption practices in the transportation sector.

"We each have a main task force to cut waste to make it more efficient, and corruption so that services to the public or users of transportation services remain optimal," he explained.